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Understanding the Veterans Services Landscape in California


Proposed Changes to Veterans Home in Yountville

March 6, 2018 - The Governor’s 2018-19 budget proposes $15.7 million General Fund for the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) to conduct a preliminary study to construct a new skilled nursing and memory care facility at the Veterans Home of California in Yountville. In addition, the Governor’s budget proposes to convert double occupancy rooms to single occupancy rooms in the domiciliary care unit at the Yountville veterans home. In this analysis, we (1) provide a brief background on the veterans home system, (2) describe the Governor’s proposal, and (3) provide our recommendations.


[PDF] Overview of Housing Programs Administered by the California Department of Veterans Affairs

March 3, 2009 - Presented to Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee


[PDF] Major Recent Homelessness Spending Actions

February 8, 2022 - Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration and Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee


Mental Health Services Act: Proposed Bond to Fund Behavioral Health Facilities and Veterans Housing

August 17, 2023 - In this post, we assess the Governor’s proposed bond for behavioral health facilities and housing for veterans.


[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: Analysis of Housing and Homelessness Proposals

February 5, 2021 - This handout analyzes the Governor’s major 2021-22 budget proposals related to housing and homelessness.


[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: CalAIM: Equity Considerations

March 12, 2021 - The California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) proposal is a set of reforms to expand, transform, and streamline Medi-Cal service delivery and financing. This post—the third in a series assessing different aspects of the Governor’s proposal—analyzes CalAIM’s potential to reduce health disparities, and therefore promote health equity.


[PDF] Long-Term Health Care

February 21, 1990 - One of the Legislature's challenges over the next decade is to promote adequate access to nursing facility beds for the state's population. Our review suggests that it is possible that there will be a disparity between the need for nursing facility services and the growth of bed supply over the next decade. Furthermore, the current Medi-Cal reimbursement system may be (1) contributing to low supply growth, (2) causing access problems to nursing facility beds for Medi-Cal clients, and (3) providing incentives that encourage expansion of facilities that are more costly to operate.


The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Housing and Homelessness

October 29, 2021 - The 2021‑22 budget provides $10.7 billion ($5 billion General Fund) to 50 housing and homelessness-related programs across 15 state entities. Some of the major uses of housing and homelessness funding in the state budget support the Homekey Program’s acquisition of properties for use as permanent housing, provide flexible aid to local governments to address homelessness in their communities, provide funding to address the backlog in affordable housing development, and help local governments plan to meet their housing production goals. The budget also provides funding in other areas of the budget that could be used to address homelessness and/or housing affordability, including, the health, human services, veteran services, courts, transportation, higher education, and labor areas of the state budget.


[PDF] Rethinking PARIS Data Match: Connecting Veterans on Medi-Cal to Federal Benefits

August 6, 2013 - Since 2009, the state has used a computer data matching process known as the Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) to identify certain military veterans who receive Medi-Cal services and may be able to voluntarily shift to health care services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA). We find that the fiscal and policy benefits from the state's current implementation of PARIS Veterans activities are limited, due to resource constraints and a problematic approach to outreach. We recommend that the Legislature provide additional resources to conduct a new pilot that tests a modified approach to PARIS Veterans outreach. We also find that the state has not pursued a major source of savings related to the PARIS Veterans match: counting a type of USDVA monetary benefit known as aid and attendance toward the costs of the In-Home Supportive Services program. We recommend that the Legislature require the administration to report on the rationale for current policies that prevent the state from realizing these savings.


The 2022-23 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Major Behavioral Health Proposals

March 3, 2022 - This brief analyzes the Governor’s three major behavioral health budget proposals. We include analyses of the Governor’s proposals to (1) provide funding for behavioral health bridge housing, (2) provide funding to implement certain solutions developed by the felony incompetent to stand trial solutions workgroup, and (3) add mobile crisis intervention services as a new Medi-Cal benefit.


[PDF] California’s Housing and Homelessness Challenges in Context

February 21, 2019 - Presented To: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Hon. Holly J. Mitchell, Chair


Housing and Homelessness Funding Impacting Children

March 25, 2019 - These materials were prepared for an informational hearing about housing challenges and their impact on the well-being of children by the Senate Select Committee on the Social Determinants of Children’s Well-Being.


[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Updates on Recent Housing and Homelessness Augmentations and Overview of Proposed Budget Changes

March 29, 2023 - This handout provides updates on key recent housing and homelessness spending actions and analysis of the Governor’s 2023-24 budget proposals.


[PDF] Overview of State Homelessness Programs

February 25, 2016 - Presented to Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review


The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Health

October 24, 2022 - This post summarizes overall spending in the 2022-23 budget package for health programs. It is part of our Spending Plan series, which contains posts focused on each major sector of the state budget.