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The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Budget Solutions in Transportation Programs


The 2024-25 Budget: Transportation Budget Solutions

February 23, 2024 - In this brief we (1) provide background on recent funding augmentations in transportation; (2) describe the Governor’s proposed transportation budget solutions; (3) discuss our assessment and recommendations for the Governor’s proposals; and (4) discuss potential additional solutions the Legislature could consider.


The 2023-24 California Spending Plan: Transportation

October 16, 2023 - The budget package provides a total of $33.2 billion for transportation-related programs in 2023-24, including for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), local streets and roads (shared revenues), California Highway Patrol (CHP), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and High-Speed Rail Authority.


The 2022-23 Budget: Transportation Infrastructure Package

February 15, 2022 - This brief provides our initial assessment and recommendations in response to the Governor’s transportation infrastructure package.


[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Crafting Climate, Resources, and Environmental Budget Solutions

February 22, 2023 - This report describes the Governor’s proposed budget solutions within climate, resources, and environmental programs, and provides the Legislature with a framework and suggestions for how it might modify those proposals to better reflect its priorities and prepare to address a potentially larger budget problem.
Correction (4/27/23): The amounts in Figure 1 for Wildfire and Forest Resilience and Nature-Based Activities and Extreme Heat have been corrected.


The 2022-23 California Spending Plan: Transportation

September 29, 2022 - The budget package provides a total of $33 billion for transportation-related programs in 2022-23, including for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), local streets and roads (shared revenues), California Highway Patrol (CHP), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA).


The 2022-23 Budget: Supply Chain and Port Infrastructure Proposals

February 15, 2022 - This brief provides our initial assessment and recommendations in response to the Governor’s supply chain and port infrastructure package.


[PDF] The 2024-25 Budget: Crafting Climate, Resources, and Environmental Budget Solutions

February 14, 2024 - This report describes the Governor’s proposed budget solutions within climate, resources, and environmental programs, and provides the Legislature with suggestions for how it might modify the spending plan to better reflect its priorities and prepare to address a potentially larger budget problem.


The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief From Transportation Funds

January 25, 2011 - Recently, the Legislature enacted a package of changes known as the “fuel tax swap” to achieve General Fund relief. However, the passage of ballot measures in November 2010 potentially undoes portions of the tax swap package. In response to these ballot measures, the Governor’s January 2011-12 budget proposes statutory changes to recapture the use of transportation funds to help balance the state’s budget. In this brief we describe and evaluate these recent changes and the Governor’s proposal. We also provide additional options that the Legislature may wish to consider that offer more solutions to achieve General Fund relief.


New Infrastructure Legislation: Summary and Issues for Legislative Oversight

August 8, 2023 - The Legislature recently adopted a package of bills aimed at expediting infrastructure projects. In this post, we provide a summary of the key components of the bills that comprise this infrastructure package, including provisions related to legislative oversight. We conclude by identifying key issues for the Legislature to consider as it oversees the implementation of this legislation.


The 2024-25 Spending Plan: Transportation

September 10, 2024 - The budget package provides a total of $30.4 billion for transportation-related programs in 2024‑25, including for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California State Transportation Agency, local streets and roads (shared revenues), California Highway Patrol (CHP), Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), and High-Speed Rail Authority (HSRA). This total reflects a net decrease of $4.5 billion (13 percent) compared to estimated 2023‑24 expenditure levels.


The 2023-24 Budget: Health Workforce Budget Solutions

February 21, 2023 - This post analyzes the Governor's proposed delays and reductions to certain health workforce initiatives adopted in the 2022-23 budget.


[PDF] State of Transit in California

April 27, 2023 - Presented to: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 5 on Corrections, Public Safety, Judiciary, Labor and Transportation


The 2023-24 Budget: Initial Comments on the Governor's May Revision

May 15, 2023 - On May 12, 2023, Governor Newsom presented a revised state budget proposal to the Legislature. (This annual proposed revised budget is called the “May Revision.”) In this brief, we provide a summary of and comments on the Governor’s revised budget, focusing on the overall condition and structure of the state General Fund—the budget’s main operating account.