Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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State and local law enforcement agencies. [Ballot]

Feb 17, 2016 - First, Chapter  466 requires state and local law enforcement agencies to submit an annual report beginning in 2019 to the state Attorney General on all stops conducted in the previous calendar year. Agencies must provide certain information regarding each stop, including the perceived race, ethnicity, gender, and approximate age of the person stopped.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Proposition 98 Education Programs

Eliminate Year Round Schools Program. Currently, the Year Round Schools program provides incentive funding for school districts that operate on a multitrack, year round calendar and enroll more students than the state’s facility capacity standards.

The 2015–16 Budget: Rethinking How the State Funds School Facilities

Assuming a useful school building life of 25 years, districts would have to spend 4 percent of this amount for building replacement, modernization, or maintenance in a given year, or $8 billion. This would be about $1,300 per student per year from all sources.

Improving Academic Preparation For Higher Education

Of all CSU regularly admitted first-time freshmen in fall 1998 who needed remediation, more than 20 percent had not completed their precoll egiate courses within one calendar year. Of the students not completing precollegiate course work within the allotted time, approximately one-third were administratively disenrolled, one-third left voluntarily, and one-th ird

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Department of Conservation (3480)

The statute provides that if the recycling rate is below 75爌ercent during the 2006 calendar year or any calendar year thereafter, then the CRV will increase from 4 cents and 8 cents to 5 cents and 10燾ents, respectively.

Districts' Pension Contribution Rates and Amounts [EdBudget]

Mar 16, 2023 - Share of contributions from schools and community colleges through 2023-24 are based on the split of payroll from CalSTRS' creditable compensation reports. Thereafter, we assume the 2022-23 share is constant.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Supplemental Security Income/ State Supplementary Program (5180)

The January 2009 federal SSI COLA will be based on the change in the CPI ‑W from the third quarter (July to September) of calendar 2007 to the third quarter of calendar 2008. The Governor ’s budget estimates that the change in the CPI ‑W for this period will be 1.7 percent.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Health and Dental Benefits For Annuitants (9650)

Budget-Year Costs Not Yet Completely Determined We withhold recommendation on the $856  million General Fund request for annuitant benefits pending final determination of health insurance premium rates for calendar year 2005.

2011 Initiative Analysis:California Funding Restoration Act of 2012 (Amendment #1S)

County programs for seniors, children, the disabled, and public health (25  percent). County public safety programs (10  percent). County road and bridge maintenance (4.9  percent). State administrative costs (up to 0.1  percent).

[PDF] Independent-Study-and-Technology-Based-Instruction

(For charter schools, cap is the higher of 25 to 1 or the ratio of the largest unifi ed school district in the county.)  Programs Subject to Various Other Requirements  May not enroll adults over age 21.  May only serve students from the county where the school is located or an adjacent county.