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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Labor and Workforce

118 results

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A Review of the CalSTRS Funding Plan: State’s Future Responsibility for CalSTRS Uncertain

Feb 2, 2016 - In other scenarios, investments underperform assumptions and the state ’s share of the unfunded liability —along with its funding plan contribution rate —increases steadily each year. In these scenarios, state contributions reach about 18 percent of payroll by the mid-2040s.

MOU Fiscal Analysis for Bargaining Units 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, and 19 [Publication Details]

Jul 15, 2010 - MOU Fiscal Analysis for Bargaining Units 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, and 19 [Publication Details] MOU Fiscal Analysis for Bargaining Units 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, and 19 Format: PDF Description: In our required fiscal analysis of six proposed collective bargaining agreements, we find that the memoranda of understanding (MOUs), if adopted, would produce state savings in 2010-11, little net budgetary impact in 2011-12, and some increasing state costs for one or more years thereafter.

Addressing CalSTRS' Long-Term Funding Needs [Publication Details]

Mar 20, 2013 - Last year, the Legislature asked CalSTRS to submit a report detailing at least three options for addressing the unfunded liabilities of the pension system's Defined Benefit (DB) Program, which are now estimated by system actuaries to total about $70 billion.

A Review of the CalSTRS Funding Plan: Theoretical Investment Gains Have Shifted Unfunded Liabilities to Districts

Feb 2, 2016 - We note that the calculation will become even more complex next year, as CalSTRS will begin to calculate the size of a second theoretical investment portfolio that will be factore d into the district share of the unfunded liability.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 18 (Psychiatric Technicians) [Publication Details]

Aug 28, 2006 - We estimate that total compensation costs (including benefits) for Unit 18 rank and file would total about $435 million (up 3 percent from the prior fiscal year) in 2006-07 and $460 million (up 6 percent) in 2007-08 under the proposed MOU.

State Retirement Contributions [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2002 - These costs would total over $13 billion, be paid over many years, and tie up future state revenues. In present value terms, the proposal is equivalent to getting about $2 billion worth of fiscal flexibility at a cost of well over $4 billion.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety) [Publication Details]

Aug 25, 2006 - Under the proposed MOU, we estimate that total compensation costs (including benefits) for Unit 7 rank and file would total about $515 million (up 11 percent from the prior fiscal year) in 2006-07 and $540 million (up 5 percent) in 2007-08.

2011-12 Budget: The Governor's Employee Compensation Proposals [Publication Details]

Jan 26, 2011 - The Governor proposes over $580 million in General Fund budget solutions for state employee compensation and state operations.

MOU Fiscal Analysis Bargaining Unit 7 (Protective Services and Public Safety) [Publication Details]

Mar 25, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 7 (California Statewide Law Enforcement Association). If adopted, the MOU would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and net cost thereafter. Overall, the MOU would reduce state Bargaining Unit 7 employee compensation costs in 2011-12 by 2.8 percent.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Units 6 and 13 [Publication Details]

Apr 8, 2011 - We reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Bargaining Unit 6 (Correctional Peace Officers) and Unit 13 (Stationary Engineers). If adopted, the MOUs would result in increased state costs in the current year, savings in 2011-12, and costs thereafter. Overall, the MOUs would reduce state Bargaining Unit 6 and 13 employee compensation costs in 2011-12 by about 3.6 percent.