Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2006 Initiative Analysis: Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act (Amendment #2-S.)

Specifically, starting in 2007-08, the community colleges’ enrollment growth factor would be the sum of the following percentages: The greater of (1) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 17 and 21 years of age or (2) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 22 and 25 years of age.

[PDF] Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act (Amendment #2-S.)

Specifically, starting in 2007-08, the community colleges’ enrollment growth factor would be the sum of the following percentages: • The greater of (1) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 17 and 21 years of age or (2) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 22 and 25 years of age. • The prior year’s unemployment rate, less 5 percent.

[PDF] Community College Governance

Specifically, starting in 2007-08, the community colleges’ enrollment growth factor would be the sum of the following percentages: • The greater of (1) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 17 and 21 years of age or (2) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 22 and 25 years of age. • The prior year’s unemployment rate less 5 percent.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act

Specifically, starting in 2007 ‑08, the community colleges’ enrollment growth factor would be the sum of the following percentages: The greater of (1) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 17 and 21 years of age or (2) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 22 and 25 years of age.

Initiative Analyses

Specifically, starting in 2007-08, the community colleges’ enrollment growth factor would be the s um of the following percentages: The greater of (1) the percentage change in the population of California residents between 17 and 21 years of age or (2) the percentage change in t he population of California residents between 22 and 25 years of age.

[PDF] Protection of Local School Revenues Act of 2014 (Amendment #2-S)

Test 3 has been operative in 7 of the 25 years since Proposition 98 was approved by voters. A supplemental appropriation was required in each year, although it was suspended once (in 1993-94). The Role of Property Taxes in Education and Local Government Funding.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Protection of Local School Revenues Act of 2014 (Amendment #2-S)

Test 3 has been operative in 7 of the 25 years since Proposition  98 was approved by voters. A supplemental appropriation was required in each year, although it was suspended once (in 1993 ‑94). The Role of Property Taxes in Education and Local Government Funding.

Proposition 19 [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2020 - Schools could receive similar property tax gains. Possible Reduction in State Costs for Schools in Some Years. In limited situations, total school funding from property taxes and state taxes could be about the same in some years despite schools ’ property tax gains.

The use of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and fumigants. [Ballot]

Nov 26, 2019 - Pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 9005 of the Elections Code, we are informing you that, in our opinion, a reasonable estimate of the net fiscal impact of this proposed initiative measure cannot be prepared within 50 calendar days.

The $2 Billion Question: Providing Health Insurance for State Employes and Retirees

Premiums Set in Spring for the Next Calendar Year. The PERS staff negotiates premiums with the HMOs at the beginning of each calendar year for the following calendar year. These negotiated premiums are then reviewed and approved by the PERS board during the spring.