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The California State Bar: Considerations for a Fee Increase [Publication Details]

Jun 26, 2019 - The California State Bar: Considerations for a Fee Increase [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: June 8-June 12 [EconTax Blog]

Jun 12, 2020 - Nonetheless, given the pace and severity of the shift in the state ’s economy resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, tracking weekly withholding is worthwhile as a way to assess the state ’s rapidly changing economic situation.

[PDF] California’s Changing Income Distribution

Neither includes, for example, the noncash employer-provided benefits that households receive such as health insurance, 401-k funding, or pension contributions. Nor do they include noncash public benefits, such as housing assistance, Medi-Cal, or food stamps.

Proposition 29 [Ballot]

Nov 8, 2022 - Proposition 29 Could Increase Health Care Costs for State and Local Governments. Under the proposition, state Medi-Cal costs, and state and local employee and retiree health insurance costs, could increase due to: Owners and operators negotiating higher payment rates.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: June 1-June 5 [EconTax Blog]

Jun 5, 2020 - Nonetheless, given the pace and severity of the shift in the state ’s economy resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, tracking weekly withholding is worthwhile as a way to assess the state ’s rapidly changing economic situation.

K-12 Proposition 98 Funding Per Student Over Time [EdBudget]

Jan 11, 2023 - K-12 Proposition 98 Funding Per Student Over Time [EdBudget] K-12 Proposition 98 Funding Per Student Over Time From Passage of Proposition 98 (1988) Through 2023-24 Under the Governor 's Budget Subscribe | California State Legislature | Online Voter Registration | Privacy Policy | Accessibility Legislative Analyst's Office | The California Legislature's Nonpartisan Fiscal and

The 2022-23 Budget: College and Career Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 23, 2022 - In his January budget, the Governor proposes $2 billion in one-time funding across three programs to increase college and career readiness among high school students. In this post, we provide background on the state’s programs, describe and assess the Governor’s proposals, and provide our recommendations to the Legislature.

The 2022-23 Budget: College and Career Proposals

Feb 23, 2022 - College and Career Indicator Part of State ’s Accountability System. As part of the state ’s accountability system, districts report various student outcome data to the state, which is then displayed on a public website known as the school dashboard.

Income Tax Withholding Tracker: May 25-May 29 [EconTax Blog]

May 29, 2020 - Nonetheless, given the pace and severity of the shift in the state ’s economy resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, tracking weekly withholding is worthwhile as a way to assess the state ’s rapidly changing economic situation.

The 2023-24 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 16, 2022 - In this report, we anticipate the state will have a $24 billion budget problem to solve in the upcoming fiscal year and operating deficits declining from $17 billion to $8 billion over the multiyear period.