Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2022-23 Budget: Municipal Stormwater and Urban Runoff Discharges Mandate

Feb 28, 2022 - The Governor ’s budget proposal includes $18.4  million in one ‑time General Fund to reimburse certain local governments in Los Angeles County for costs related to the Municipal Stormwater and Urban Runoff Discharges mandate.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Health: Background

Specifically: The MHSA, passed by voters in 2004, imposes a 1 percent income tax on personal incomes in excess of $1 million to support the expansion of community mental health services. Most MHSA services are provided by the counties, although some MHSA activities are coordinated by DMH at the statewide level.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

From the state's perspective, the program has proved difficult to admin- ister~ A large number of the claims submitted by counties have shown inexplicable differences from the amounts the State Controller's records show the counties receiving in the prior year.

2003 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 1

Court Security Fund Swap Is Not Realignment Under the administration's realignment plan, 6.54  percent of the revenues raised by the new sales tax is deposited into the Trial Court Trust Fund for court security purposes.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - To do this, the Tax Foundation increases its estimate of tax revenues from each state in proportion to the total federal deficit. In effect, this inflates the estimated amount Californians “pay” in taxes.

February 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Mar 2, 2018 - February 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog] Seth Kerstein This post describes preliminary collections from the state ’s three main taxes —the personal income tax (PIT), sales and use tax, and the corporation tax.

Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

This tax cut is in lieu of the Governor's proposal for a phased 15 percent reduction in both personal and corporation income taxes. The revised tax cut will reduce revenues by $85 milli on in 1996-97.

Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

The May Revision reduces the programmatic shift of costs to counties to $1.7  billion, while providing the counties with $1.8  billion in new revenues (see earlier discussion regarding the May Revision's tax proposals).

A Review of State Standards and Inspections for Local Detention Facilities

Feb 16, 2021 - To pay for this realigned workload, the state provides counties with a portion of annual state sales tax revenue, which has totaled around $ 1  b illion in recent years. Counties use a significant share of these funds to support jails.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Community Hospital Taxes (Version 3)

2009 Initiative Analysis: Community Hospital Taxes (Version 3) About the LAO December 16, 2009 Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative (A.G. File No. 09 ‑0079) relating to the imposition and collection of taxes, fees, or assessments on community hospitals.