Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Water Resources (3860)

T he agreement that transferred the system to the state stipulated that the state would be responsible for operation and maintenance of the system, and would hold the federal governm ent harmless from any future liability claims.

[PDF] A Review of the California Youth Authority's Infrastructure

Those committed by the criminal courts that cannot complete their sentence by age 21 are transferred to the California Department of Corrections (CDC) prisons at age 18. The department also supervises parolees and operates training and treatment programs that seek to educate, correct, and rehabilitate youthful offenders.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transportation

When amounts for support for the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Ve- hicle, appropriated by the Legislature, have been withdrawn from this fund, the balance goes into the Highway Users Tax Fund which can .471 Highway Patrol Item 189 Department of California Highway Patrol-Continued be used by the State, cities and counties for highway and road con- struction and related safety devices.

[PDF] 2011 Realignment: Addressing Issues to Promote Its Long-Term Success

Under prior law, these VLF revenues were allocated to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) ($300 million) for administrative purposes and to cities and Orange County ($153 million) for general purposes.

Seek New Decision on Open Meeting Act Mandate

Apr 4, 2013 - Suspending this mandate would not affect city, county, and special district obligations to comply with the pr ovisions of Open Meeting Act that were adopted prior to 1975, but would make their compliance with provisions related to posting and preparation of agendas and closed session proce dures optional in 2013-14.

LAO 2005 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Transportation Funding Instability Continues

Under current law, spillover transfers to PTA woul d have occurred in 2003-04 and 2004-05, and would again occur in the budget year. However, statute has been changed in each of the past two years to prevent the spillover transfer to PTA.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Corrections

After such committees recommend a transfer, the position requested would then review the recommended transfers for final disposition. The composition of the reclassification and main committees author- ized to recommend an inmate's transfer should negate the need for a review of every recommended transfer before it is effectuated.

[PDF] Budget Reserve Proposals

Transfer Out of Rainy-Day Reserve Funds transferred back to the General Fund with majority vote of the Legislature. Rainy-Day Reserve Deposit ACA 4 Summary a Deposit can only be suspended or reduced by executive order in years in which a transfer out of the reserve is permitted. b If transfers out of the reserve were allowed in

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