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Criminal Justice (241)
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Results for irish state pension in Criminal Justice

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The 2017-18 Budget: Trial Courts and the County Office of Education General Fund Offset [Publication Details]

Feb 16, 2017 - Under state law, county office of educations’ excess property tax revenue offsets state General Fund support for trial courts. In this post, we describe the offset and recommend the Legislature adjust the offset to better reflect growth in local property taxes.

The 2017-18 Budget: Judicial Branch

Feb 14, 2017 - State Oversight of Court Information Technology (IT) Projects. The California Department of Technology (CDT) is the state ’s central IT organization and generally has broad authority over all aspects of technology in state government.

The 2017-18 Budget: Department of Justice

Jan 31, 2017 - DOJ currently has a Tobacco Litigation and Enforcement Section that administers and enforces numerous federal and state tobacco laws. For example, this section is responsible for overseeing compliance with the tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) —an agreement reached in 1998 between four large tobacco companies and the Attorneys General of 46 states, including California.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Criminal Justice Budget

Jan 27, 2017 - First, in 2011 the state realigned various criminal justice responsibilities to the counties, including the responsibility for certain low-level felony offenders. This realignment reduced state correctional spending.

The 2017-18 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Criminal Justice Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 27, 2017 - In this post, we describe recent trends in state spending on criminal justice and provide an overview of the major changes in the Governor’s proposed budget for criminal justice programs in 2017-18. Reports by Policy Area

The 2017-18 Budget: Trial Court Security Funding for Counties

Jan 25, 2017 - This realignment shifted responsibility for funding most trial court security costs (provided by county sheriffs) from the state General Fund to counties. Specifically, the state shifted $496  million in tax revenues to counties to finance these new responsibilities.

Sheriff Court-Security Services Mandate

May 27, 2016 - Sheriff Court-Security Services Mandate May 27, 2016 Sheriff Court-Security Services Mandate State law tasks the Commission on State Mandates with determining whether new state laws or regulations affecting local governments create state-reimbursable mandates.

Sheriff Court-Security Services Mandate [Publication Details]

May 27, 2016 - Sheriff Court-Security Services Mandate [Publication Details] HTML Description: State law tasks the Commission on State Mandates with determining whether new state laws or regulations affecting local governments create state-reimbursable mandates.

Improving State Programs for Crime Victims [Publication Details]

Apr 21, 2016 - Improving State Programs for Crime Victims [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2016-17 Budget: Governor’s Criminal Justice Proposals

Feb 22, 2016 - In order for CDCR to regain control over the direct management of the state ’s prison medical care delivery system, the state must demonstrate that it can provide a sustainable constitutional level of care.