Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Oversight of Private Colleges in California

Oversight Transferred to New Bureau, but Problems Persisted. Chapter 78, Statutes of 1997 (AB 71, Wright), transferred the Council’s duties to a new bureau within the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA).

LAO Publications

Perea, Assembly Member, regarding the advantages and disadvantages of transferring the Drinking Water Program (DWP) from the Department of Public H ealth (DPH) to a newly created stand-alone entity under the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal-EPA), as compared to transferring it to the State Water Resources Contro l Board (SWRCB).

[PDF] "The California Live Within Our Means Act"

Proposal This measure prohibits the suspension of Proposition 42 transfers after 2006-07. The total amount of transfers that were suspended through June 30, 2007 would be paid within 15 years, at an annual rate of no less than one-fifteenth of the cumulative amount owed.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

However, for some specific proposals, our analysis indicates that it is uncertain whether the full savings would be achieved. 5-23-11 Transfer Healthy Families Program to Department of Health Care Services Recommend that the administration’s proposal to transfer Healthy Families Program be referred to policy committees.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 3)

This measure makes changes to the California Constitution related to Proposition  98 funding, the budget process, Proposition  42 transfers, special fund loans and transfers, and payment of deferred mandate claims.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 5)

This measure makes changes to the California Constitution related to Proposition  98 funding, the budget process, Proposition  42 transfers, special fund loans and transfers, and payment of deferred mandate claims.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 5)

This measure makes changes to the California Constitution related to Proposition  98 funding, the budget process, Proposition  42 transfers, special fund loans and transfers, and payment of deferred mandate claims.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 2)

This measure makes changes to the California Constitution related to Proposition  98 funding, the budget process, Proposition  42 transfers, special fund loans and transfers, and payment of deferred mandate claims.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Transportation Crosscutting Issues

In order to avert a projected deficit, the budget proposes a transfer of $30.5  million from SHA. Projected 1998-99 Balance Insufficient to Cover Outstanding Obligations. With the transfer, the budget projects a balance of $26.8  million in the account at the end of 1998-99.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Departmental 5 Issues

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill Education Departmental 5 Issues November 1998 Transfer An increase from 69,574 to 92,500 in the number of students who transfer from community colleges to baccalaureate institutions.