Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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The 2020 Census: Potential Impacts on California

Dec 13, 2018 - At the state level, the Department of Finance (DOF) also uses Census population counts to re ‑bench its population estimates every ten years (although DOF has its own population estimates for the intervening years).

The 2020 Census: Potential Impacts on California [Publication Details]

Dec 13, 2018 - Second, we discuss how the Census is conducted—including the steps the federal government has taken to date and what it plans to do over the next few years to conduct the 2020 Census. (We also describe state efforts to supplement these federal activities.)

November 2018 State Tax Collections [EconTax Blog]

Dec 12, 2018 - Year-to-Date Totals Remain Ahead of Projections. Due to the various processing issues for the PIT and sales tax , the year-to-date totals provide a clearer view of the revenue picture than the monthly numbers.

Child Care Attendance Records: Comparing Paper and Electronic Processes

Dec 12, 2018 - Of the 76 AP agencies, 51 are nonprofit community–based organizations, 14 are county of fices of education, 9 are county welfare departments, 1 i s a school district, and 1 i s a city government. AP Agencies Have a Variety of Administrative Responsibilities.

Evaluation of a Sales Tax Exemption for Certain Manufacturers

Dec 11, 2018 - As described above, each purchaser can apply the partial exemption to no more than $ 200  m illion worth of purchases per year —equivalent to $ 8  m illion of tax exemptions. Like the prior option, this one would strengthen investment incentives but result in larger revenue losses.

State Fiscal Health Index: October 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Dec 5, 2018 - The index ranges from 0 (representing the lowest level in the last 25 years) to 100 (representing the highest level in the last 25 years). The higher the index, the better the conditions for state revenues.

Building Permits Update: October 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Dec 5, 2018 - For example, in 2014 there were two periods with  three consecutive months of year-over-year decline in multifamily permits. In both cases, permits rebounded with positive growth  in the months that followed.

Were Local School Bond Measures Impacted By Recent Federal Tax Changes? [EconTax Blog]

Nov 30, 2018 - Similar to past years, 85 percent of measure passed. There was, however, a slight di p in the share of voters in favor, with the average measure receiving yes votes of 62 percent. This modest decline in voter support can be seen in the graphic below.

California's Fiscal Outlook: CSBA Presentation [Publication Details]

Nov 29, 2018 - Presented to: California School Boards Association Annual Education Conference

Home Sales Update: October 2018 [EconTax Blog]

Nov 28, 2018 - As can be seen on the graph below, home sales typically experience year-over-year declines of 25 percent or more leading into a recession.   Date sources: Zillow , California Association of Realtors , and Moody’s Analytics, with LAO calculations.