Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2022-23 Fiscal Outlook Revenue Estimates [EconTax Blog]

Nov 17, 2021 - Below we provide detail on how this assumption is carried out in our forecasts for personal income, corporation, and sales taxes. Personal Income Tax Rapid Growth in Personal Income Tax Revenue. Personal income tax revenue surged in 2020-21 despite the ongoing decline in employment.

An Initial Assessment of the California Performance Review: Section 3, Key Proposals

However, we question the reasonableness of attributing to CPR the fiscal effect of a statutory change in federal tax policy. One of the CPR's funding recommendations is a ballot measure to protect the transfer of gasoline sales tax revenue to transportation.

2008 Initiative Analysis: The Inalienable Rights Enforcement Initiative

To the extent this occurs it will also result in a decrease in revenue collected from current SUT and excise taxes on alcohol and tobacco products. There could be an unknown but potentially significant decrease in revenue to the General Fund where alcohol excise tax revenues and a portion of the cigarette excise tax revenues as well as SUT on both of these products are deposited.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: California Spending Plan

Budget No Longer Assumes Savings From the Extension of the Sales Tax to IHSS Providers. The 2010-11 budget assumed savings from the extension of the sales tax to IHSS services. Essentially, this sales tax extension would have allowed the state to draw down federal funding to offset General Fund costs in IHSS (please see the 2010-11 Spending Plan for more detail).

The 2012-13 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget

As we discussed in our November report, California's Fiscal Outlook , Franchise Tax Board (FTB) data on the state income tax base lags by one to two years, such that preliminary data on 2010 income tax returns only recently has emerged.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: Health and Social Services Overview

State and County Realignment The Governor's realignment proposal involves a shift of $1.9 billion in spending for various social services programs from the state General Fund to the counties. To offset most of the increased county costs, the budget proposes a shift to the counties of sales tax revenues and trial court fines and penalties revenues, and state assumption of a higher share of trial court costs.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: March 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Apr 15, 2021 - March retail sales were nearly 10 percent above February and 28 percent above March 2020.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department Of Child Support Services (5175)

However, under Chapter  906, Statutes of 1994 (AB 923, Speier), the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) began collecting delinquent child support on behalf of most California counties. Some of these collections ar e recouped as General Fund revenues to offset the costs associated with welfare expenditures.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: California’s Fiscal Outlook

This increase in county contributions to IHSS costs could decrease our projected state share of cost for the IHSS program by hundreds of millions of dollars annually in the out-years. Restoration of the IHSS Service Hours Previously Reduced by 7 Percent Tied to MCO Tax Existence.

LAO Publications

Format: February 1, 1990 - Review of the Bank and Corporation Tax Exemption For International Banking Facilities Format: January 1, 1990 - In order to provide the Legislature with a perspecive on the state's budget dilemma for 1990-91, we have prepared this brief overview.