Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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An Analysis of Court School Cost Pressures [Publication Details]

May 10, 2011 - An Analysis of Court School Cost Pressures [Publication Details] An Analysis of Court School Cost Pressures Format: PDF Description: In 2010-11, several County Offices of Education (COEs) reported difficulties balancing their court school budgets.

April state sales taxes $302 million above projections...gain may be temporary

May 5, 2011 - April state sales taxes $302 million above projections...gain may be temporary April state sales taxes $302 million above projections...gain may be temporary Program: Revenue Finding or Recommendation: Provides update on April 2011 sales and use tax collections, as well as overall "Big Three" state tax revenue collections for the fiscal year to date.

April income tax payments $237 million above projections, per FTB preliminary tally

May 4, 2011 - April income tax payments $237 million above projections, per FTB preliminary tally April income tax payments $237 million above projections, per FTB preliminary tally Program: Revenue Finding or Recommendation: Provides description of Franchise Tax Board's preliminary tally of April 2011 personal income tax and corporation tax payments to the state.

Weak final collection day--April income taxes likely $250 million above projection

Apr 29, 2011 - (Collectively, the PIT and CT are the state's "income taxes.") This will be our final update prior to the Franchise Tax Board's (FTB) release of its preliminary April income tax collection tally a few days from now.

April income tax collections on track to be $300 million above projections

Apr 28, 2011 - California appears poised to collect about $300 million more in personal and corporate income taxes (collectively, "income taxes ")  than projected during the month of April 2011. (This does not reflect results for sales and use taxes or other revenues during the month.)

Salton Sea Restoration Funding (Reappropriations and Reimbursement Expenditure Authority)

Apr 27, 2011 - In December 2009, a Sacramento County Superior Court judge invalidated the QSA because it was predicated on the Legislature ’s statutory promise to fund all but $133 million of the restoration efforts--a promise that the court said could not  be made constitutionally by the Legislature.

Reappropriations of Propositions 40 and 84 bond funds

Apr 20, 2011 - In response to the Legislature ’s denial without prejudice of the remaining  $25 million reappropriation request for NCCP activities,  WCB has completed an action plan that indicates WCB ’s intention to spend $27.5 million on NCCP in  2011-12,  including the number of acres to be acquired in specific counties, and the number of NCCPs that these expenditures will support.

Letter to Senator Wolk and Assembly Member Perea Regarding the CDFI Tax Credit Programs [Publication Details]

Apr 14, 2011 - Letter to Senator Wolk and Assembly Member Perea Regarding the CDFI Tax Credit Programs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Big Three state taxes above projections in March. Personal income taxes strong.

Apr 8, 2011 - Big Three state taxes above projections in March. Personal income taxes strong. Big Three state taxes above projections in March. Personal income taxes strong. Program: Revenue Finding or Recommendation: Provides report on March 2011 personal income, corporation, and sales and use tax collections based on

Big Three state taxes below projections in February

Mar 8, 2011 - Big Three state taxes below projections in February Big Three state taxes below projections in February Program: Revenue Finding or Recommendation: Provides report on February 2011 personal income, corporation, and sales and use tax collections based on preliminary agency cash reports.