Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

One function corollary to registering motor vehicles is collection of the" in lieu" tax on motor vehicles; this tax is ap- portioned to the cities and counties for highway purposes . . The Motor Vehicle Fund finances the major portion of the depart- ment '8 activities.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous REFUND OF LICENSES, TAXES AND OTHER FEES ITEM 285 of the Budget Bill Budget page 966 Budget line No. 45 FOR REFUND OF TAXES, LICENSES, AND OTHER FEES FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $15,000 Estimated to be expended in 1955-56 Fiscal year___________________ 15,000 Increase

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

._________ VI Preliminary Statement ________________________________________________ VII The Budget and Budget Bill ________________________________________ X Balancing the Budget ________________________________________________ XI Revenues and Revenue Estimates ______________________________________ XIV Item by Item Analysis of the Budget Bill _______________________________ 1

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

A reasonable prospect that if expenditures are held to the amounts budgeted, with no substantial special appropriation meas- ures, it will be possible to balance the budget in the 1957-58 Fis- cal Year without new taxes.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

This program has two main objectives: (1) To protect the automobile buying public from illegal practices of unscrupulous dealers; and (2) to assure that gas tax moneys are distributed to the proper counties.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

The typical state agency expends money providing a service to the public which is paid for by taxes, assessments or fees. It is not a business type operation and produces virtually no revenue. It has no responsi- bility to invest large amounts of public funds in such a :rp.anner that these funds are repaid through the charges and rates which it deter- mines by contractual negotiation with its customers.

[PDF] 1957 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

We recommend approval of the requested amount; however, we feel that the Budget Act wording should be changed so that the districts receive no state money in excess of that money which is allocated for state participating projects until they reach the maximum local tax rate, which is $0.15 on each $100 of assessed valuation.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

TABLE II SOURCE OF INCOME TO CALIFORNIA'S GENERAL FUND 1948·49 TO 1958·59 (In millions) Bank and Alcoholic corpora- beverage tion fran- Inherit- control chise and ance Insur- Personal Retail taxes and income . and gift ance income sales and licenses taxes tax tax tax use tax Other Totals 1948-49

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

Approximately 85 percent of the total state tax base is included in these 47 counties. The principal counties not covered under Bradley-Burns are Fresno, San Mateo and San Francisco, which between them account for about 13 percent of the total state tax base.

[PDF] 1958 Budget Analysis: Public Works

The increasing use of noncommercial aircraft as a means of transportation points up the desirability of assessing the cost of this program upon the user in the same manner as highway user taxes are devoted to highway purposes.