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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Child Care and Development

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A Review of Child Care and Preschool Program Flexibilities in Certain Counties

May 13, 2021 - Once determined eligible for part ‑day CSPP, all families remain eligible for the school year. Families seeking employment are eligible for less than 30 hours of services a week. Families that are seeking permanent housing and/or are homeless are eligible for less than 30 hours of services a week.

Overview of Federal Relief for K-12 Education and Child Care [Publication Details]

Apr 29, 2021 - Since March 2020, the federal government has passed three relief packages that assist K-12 schools and child care providers in their response to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. This post provides a brief summary of how the three federal relief packages affect K-12 education and child care and describes how the state has used these federal funds, as of April 2021.

Overview of Federal Relief for K-12 Education and Child Care

Apr 29, 2021 - The state has one year to commit the funding and until September 30, 2024 to expend funds. Provides Additional Funding for Special Education, Private Schools, Homeless Students, and Education Technology.

The 2021-22 Budget: Child Care Proposals

Feb 11, 2021 - Families receiving child care also have been affected, particularly due to school and child care closures that have required families to find new child care arrangements. State Has Taken Several Actions to Support Child Care Programs During the Pandemic.

The 2021-22 Budget: Transitional Kindergarten Expansion Package

Feb 5, 2021 - The Governor proposes a multiyear effort, with 2021 ‑22 serving as a planning year where school districts would apply for the grants. Selected school districts would then receive funding for the year ‑over ‑year increase in TK students served in the 2022 ‑23 school year, and would receive per ‑pupil grants equivalent to half of the LCFF rate.

The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Early Education

Oct 26, 2020 - Trailer legislation provides reimbursement flexibility in 2020-21 for direct contract providers that opened to begin the school year or were closed due to local or state public health guidance. For providers that meet these conditions, reimbursement will be the lesser of the contract amount or program costs.

COVID-19: Federal and State Actions Affecting K-12 Education and Child Care [Publication Details]

May 14, 2020 - In this post, we discuss actions the federal and state governments have taken to assist K-12 schools and child care providers in responding to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

COVID-19: Federal and State Actions Affecting K-12 Education and Child Care

May 14, 2020 - The CARES Act provides $25  million for the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Program administered by the USDA. Rural school districts and higher education institutions are eligible for funding to help improve distance learning and broadband connections in their area.

The 2020-21 Budget: Early Education Analysis

Feb 21, 2020 - Some providers have a strong preference for operating part ‑day State Preschool because it can be more efficient to administer (LEAs can run two part ‑day programs in one classroom with the same staff) and has a calendar that is aligned with the school year.

The 2020-21 Budget: Overview of the Governor's Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 13, 2020 - The Governor allocates most of the surplus toward one-time purposes, including maintaining a positive year-end balance in the state’s discretionary reserve. Under the administration’s estimates, total reserves would reach $20.5 billion at the end of 2020-21—this represents a $1.7 billion increase from the 2019-20 enacted level.