Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Making Targeted Reductions to the Judicial Branch

A separate $50 million could be transferred in 2012-13. Based on AOC’s projected revenues and expenditures, our recommendation would not delay any of the planned projects funded by ICNA. Temporarily Offset General Fund Costs of Trial Courts

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

Among these are (1) the transfer of 27.5 positions from the Bureau of Air Sanitation to the Air Re- sources Board of the Resources Agency. This transfer represents a total of $569,446. (2) The absence in the Governor's Budget of Gen- eral Fund support for hospital construction.

Psilocybin [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - Under the measure, a city or county could ban or limit the number of psilocybin mushroom businesses within its boundaries if approved by the voters within that jurisdiction at a statewide election held in November.

Disposal and Recycling of Single-Use Plastic Packaging and Foodware. [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - Local governments, generally cities and counties, are responsible for the collection and disposal of solid waste. Local governments may provide these services directly or by contracting with a private company (such as a waste hauler).

Transportation funding, Amendment #1. [Ballot]

Jun 26, 2017 - The Legislature noted that over the next ten years the state faces a major shortfall to adequately maintain the existing state highway system, and cities and counties face a major shortfall to adequately maintain the existing network of local streets and roads.

[PDF] Approach to the 2011-12 CalWORKs Budget

.  TANF Transfers. States may also transfer some of their TANF funds into the Title XX Social Services Block Grant or the Child Care Development Fund. Although TANF is the primary federal source of funding for the CalWORKs program, the broad purposes of TANF and fl exible transfer provisions allow states to use TANF funds for many different programs.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: Department of Employment

Under Section 403 of the California Unemployment Insurance Act, the Director of the Department of Employment has the power to transfer this money to the Disability Fund. To date it has not been transferred because it has not been needed and because it earns a higher rate of interest where it is.

[PDF] Overview of Juvenile Justice System and Education Services in Juvenile Facilities

Youths Remaining in DJJ Transferred to Counties by July 2023 „ Under realignment, all DJJ facilities will close by July 1, 2023. Youths still housed in DJJ facilities at that time will be transferred to counties.

[PDF] Proposed statutory initiative related to immigration.

In cases in which law enforcement agencies cooperate with federal immigration officials, they are required to collect and report certain data to DOJ, such as the number of transfers made to federal immigration officials and the justification for the transfer.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: General Administration

We recommend that this amount be transferred to the budgets of the agencies using the service. Elsewhere in this analysis we have commented upon the fact that the Military Department should be reimbursed for its costs in con- nection with the operation of the plane, which would require that the appropriate budget or budgets to which this transfer is made be in- creased accordingly.