Results for 서울시 tax

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2003 Initiative Analysis: California Privacy Protection Act

This would potentially result in some reduction in the tax reven ues paid to state and local governments. The magnitude of any such reduction is unknown. Fiscal Summary. This measure could have the following major fiscal impacts: Additional state and local government court and enforcement costs.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Local Government Property Tax Protection Act

Appropriates, reallocates, suspends, or delays revenues from taxes imposed by local governments, including but not limited to the business license tax, transient occupa ncy tax, and utility users tax.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Alcohol Sales

If so, it would increase certain state and local revenue s—primarily alcoholic beverage tax revenues. These increases, however, probably would not be significant. State and Local Government Costs. The measure could result in increased costs for state and local law enforcement agencies.

[PDF] Alcohol Sales

If so, it would increase certain state and local revenues—primarily alcoholic beverage tax revenues. These increases, however, probably would not be significant. State and Local Government Costs. The measure could result in increased costs for state and local law enforcement agencies.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Budget Deficit Prevention Act

This measure requires that a tax measure be subject to the two-thirds vote requirement if it results in a tax increase for any individual taxpayer—regardless of whether it raises or lowers aggregate taxes.

[PDF] California Budget Deficit Prevention Act

This measure requires that a tax measure be subject to the two-thirds vote requirement if it results in a tax increase for any individual taxpayer—regardless of whether it raises or lowers aggregate taxes.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mecha nism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

[PDF] California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mechanism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

[PDF] The sale of vehicles and consumer protection laws

Taxes Associated With Vehicles. Many state and local government taxes are affected by the sale of vehicles. For instance, the sales tax and vehicle license fee are collected on the sale price of the vehicle.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Mental Health Services Act

The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is the lead state agency responsible for administration of the tax provisions.         The act permits up to 5  percent of the funding allocated annually from the Mental Health Services Fund to be used to offset state costs for implementation of the measure.