Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Preliminary

This financial picture is presented in tabular form as follows: Beginning surplus ___________________ $18.8 million Current income and transfers under existing tax laws_________________ 1,934.4 million Proposed tax measures________________ 165.3 million Total resources ____________________ $2,118.5 million Proposed outgo ______________________ $2,106.1 million Committed reserves

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Transportation

When amounts for support for the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Ve- hicle, appropriated by the Legislature, have been withdrawn from this fund, the balance goes into the Highway Users Tax Fund which can .471 Highway Patrol Item 189 Department of California Highway Patrol-Continued be used by the State, cities and counties for highway and road con- struction and related safety devices.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Industrial

This agency provides consultation service to various segments of city and county government and in addition provides inspection services to those agencies. The state engineers exercise concurrent authority and there are a number of oc- casions where they are requested by local agencies to make inspections due to the nature or type of the inspection.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Judicial

Of the total $150,000 for the assignment of judges, $50,000 would be transferred from judicial salary savings and the remaining $100,000 would be reduced by a net adjustment of $8,290 leaving an appropriation of $91,710 for this func- tion.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Fire Marshal

., state colleges, state institutions and other state-owned}____ 367 City and county facilities____________________ 224 Hospitals ___________________________________ 2,369 Welfare facilities ____________________________ 2,671 Camps __________________________ .___________ 124 Schools ____ .:.. ________________________________ 2,449 Public assembly facilities _____________ ~

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Commerce

The authority has been trans- , ferred to the City and County of San Francisco and appears only for \, the purpose of reporting 1967-68 expenditures. '- The Department of Commerce requests a General Fund appropria- tion of $824,847 to support its various programs in 1969-70.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

It is anticipated that 1,025 terminals will be connected to city, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies. In adgition, CLETS will provide all agencies on the system direct access to computerized infor- mation files such as the firearm and property files of the Department of Justice, the Department of Motor Vehicles' driver and registration files, the Highway Patrol's

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

This reduction is due to an adjustment in the news re- leases to the press and other media, and a reduction in out-transferred from this program to the Agricultural Pest Disease and Prevention Program.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The increase of 20 nonuniformed positions is accomplished by the transfer of seven positions from the Department of Motor Vehicles and 13 from the Division of Highways. Seven of the 20 positions are expected to he 245 10 l5 395 432 Item 174 TRANSPORTATION transferred during the current fiscal year.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Public Health

"Reduction reflects transfer ofMR funds to Merital Retardation program budget. 678 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Support Expenditure The total support expenditure proposed for the budget year by the Department of Public Health is $45,823,732.