Results for 서울시 tax

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LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: State Transit Assistance (2640)

Historically, the PTA received revenues from two sources: (1) diesel sales tax and (2) a portion of the state sales tax on gasoline, including spillover revenue and revenue from the sales tax on 9 cents per gallon of gasoline (referred to as the Proposition 111 gasoline sales tax revenue).

[PDF] Minimum amount of charity care nonprofit hospitals must provide.

Collectively, the state’s for-profit hospitals pay tens of millions of dollars annually in the state corporate income tax. The state’s nonprofit hospitals are generally exempt from the state corporate income tax and local property taxes.

[PDF] Six Californias

Mainly because Silicon Valley residents have higher incomes, they pay more per person in income taxes, sales taxes, and property taxes under the existing California tax system. By the same token, Central California and Jefferson residents are, on average, less well-off and pay less per person for each of these major taxes.

[PDF] 1994-95 Budget Analysis: Perspectives and Issues

To the extent that this high dependence is viewed as problematic, the Legislature should consider substituting higher allocations of property taxes for the transfer of sales taxes proposed by the Governor.

[PDF] LAO 1993 Budget Analysis: Making Government Make Sense

Allocation of Property Tax Revenues. Local property tax allocations for cities and counties would be increased by the aggregate amount of shifted costs and local sales tax revenues. The increased property tax revenues, together with existing local property tax revenues, would be entirely re- allocated among local agencies.

[PDF] 1995 Budget Perspectives and Issues

This is defined as the 1986-87 percentage of General Fund tax revenues provided to K-14 education (as adjusted by property tax shifts that have occurred in the 1990s). ! Test 2—Maintenance of Prior-Year Funding Levels.

2000 Budget Perspectives: State Revenues

Figure 1 compares the percentage growth in PIT receipts (adjusted for law changes) to that of the state's other two main taxes (the sales and use tax [SUE D] and the bank and corporation tax [BCT]), as well as to statewide personal income.

LAO Publications

Format: The Property Tax Inheritance Exclusion October 9, 2017 - When a property changes hands the taxes paid for the property often increase substantially. This is not true for most inherited property.

LAO Publications

Format: The Property Tax Inheritance Exclusion October 9, 2017 - When a property changes hands the taxes paid for the property often increase substantially. This is not true for most inherited property.

2006 Initiative Analysis: The California Clean Money and Fair Elections Act of 2006 (Amendment #2-S.)

Fiscal Effect New Tax Revenues. Under the measure, the state would impose increased taxes on corporations and financial institutions. We estimate that the measure would raise over $200  million annually in new tax revenues.