Results for irish state pension

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An Evaluation of CSU's Cross-Campus Online Education Program

Jan 3, 2018 - The memo states that it fulfills the feasibility study requirement for CSU to create online programs aimed at students who started but never completed their bachelor ’s degree. The memo lists a total of 10 e xisting fully online state ‑supported bachelor ’s degree completion programs and 15 e xtension completion programs, as well as one state ‑supported hybrid program.

Funding for California’s health care safety net. [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2018 - Funding for the state ’s health care workforce programs comes from a mix of federal, state, and local sources. State Personal Income Tax California Taxes Personal Income. California levies a personal income tax (PIT) on the income of state residents and on income of nonresidents that is derived from California sources.

An Evaluation of CSU's Cross-Campus Online Education Program [Publication Details]

Jan 3, 2018 - CSU is required by statute to (1) adopt a systemwide definition of online education, (2) report biennially on certain enrollment and performance data related to online education, and (3) report on the feasibility of developing an online bachelor’s degree completion program for students who started college but never obtained a degree.

General obligation bonds to provide funding for certain hospitals that treat children. [Ballot]

Jan 2, 2018 - Fiscal Effects This measure would allow the state to borrow $1.5  billion by selling additional general obligation bonds to investors, who would be repaid with interest using the state ’s general tax revenues.

Felony sentencing. [Ballot]

Jan 2, 2018 - Fiscal Effects State Criminal Justice Impacts. This measure would have a number of fiscal impacts on the state ’s correctional system. Most significantly, the measure would reduce the state prison population because its provisions would result in reductions in:   Third Strikers.

CCC and UC: An Evaluation of Best Value Procurement Pilot Programs

Dec 21, 2017 - The state currently does not have consistent policies for how public agencies may procure goods and services. Whereas the state has granted several public agencies permanent authority to use BV for procuring goods and services, it granted such authority to CCC and UC only on a pilot basis.

Long-term Capacity for Debt Payments Under Proposition 2

Dec 21, 2017 - The Fiscal Outlook considers potential future requirements under Proposition 2 (2014)—including required rainy day fund deposits and payments toward certain state debts. Some have asked whether Proposition 2 debt funding payments can be used to reduce liabilities of teacher and other public employees' pension plans.

Criminal penalties and DNA collection. [Ballot]

Dec 21, 2017 - State and Local Court-Related Costs. The measure would increase state and local court-related costs. By increasing prosecutors ’ discretion to charge certain theft-related crimes as felonies, this measure would increase the number of felony filings and reduce the number of misdemeanor filings in state court.

Long-term Capacity for Debt Payments Under Proposition 2 [Publication Details]

Dec 21, 2017 - Our recent Fiscal Outlook publication considers potential future requirements under Proposition 2 (2014)—including required rainy day fund deposits and payments toward certain state debts. Some have asked whether Proposition 2 debt funding payments can be used to reduce liabilities of teacher and other public employees' pension plans.

California Public Higher Education: Funding Supplemental Services for Low-Income and First-Generation Students

Dec 20, 2017 - State Has Been Phasing in Formula Over Multiple Years. In developing LCFF, the state created per ‑student funding targets that were significantly higher than the going rates. Starting in 2013 ‑14, the state began providing augmentations to LCFF to close the difference (or gap) between their prior ‑year funding level and their LCFF target level.