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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in State Budget

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The 2018-19 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 15, 2017 - The near-term budget outlook is positive. Under our current estimates, the state would have $19.3 billion in total reserves (including $7.5 billion in discretionary reserves) at the end of 2018-19, assuming the Legislature makes no additional budget commitments. The Legislature can use discretionary resources to build more budget reserves, increase spending, and/or reduce taxes.

The 2020-21 Budget: Structuring the Budget [Publication Details]

Feb 10, 2020 - California has made significant progress in recent years to make its budget more resilient. Yet the process of achieving resilience can never be considered finished. This report lays out a framework for evaluating the budget’s structure using two key tools: reserves and operating surpluses. Using this framework, we evaluate the Governor’s proposed 2020-21 budget structure.

The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 18, 2015 - Under the main economic scenario in this year's LAO Fiscal Outlook, 2016-17 would end with reserves of $11.5 billion, assuming the state makes no new budget commitments through next year. If the economy continues to grow through 2019-20, annual operating surpluses and larger reserves could materialize, and there may be capacity for some new budget commitments—whether spending increases or tax reductions.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - This is a decrease of $63  million (28  percent) relative to the revised 2016 ‑17 level of funding, largely due to an expiration of various limited ‑term grants provided in prior years. Grants to Local Law Enforcement.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version)

Oct 2, 2018 - Each year, our office publishes the California Spending Plan to summarize the annual state budget. This publication discusses the 2018‑19 Budget Act and other major budget actions approved in 2018. This version reflects all budgetary legislation related to the 2018-19 Budget Act.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan (Final Version) [Publication Details]

Oct 2, 2018 - Each year, our office publishes the California Spending Plan to summarize the annual state budget. This publication discusses the 2018‑19 Budget Act and other major budget actions approved in 2018. This version reflects all budgetary legislation related to the 2018-19 Budget Act.

The 2013-14 Budget: Overview of the May Revision [Publication Details]

May 17, 2013 - After years of "boom and bust" budgeting, California's leaders now have the opportunity to build a budget for future years that gives the state more choices about how to build reserves in times of healthy revenue growth, prioritize future state spending, and pay off past debts.

Cal Facts: 2016

Dec 5, 2016 - The IHSS cost per consumer grew annually by an average of 5  percent between 2006-07 and 2009-10, slowing to an average of 3  percent per year through 2014-15. Since then, IHSS cost per consumer has grown significantly at an estimated average of 15  percent per year.

The 2013-14 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 14, 2012 - Our economic and budgetary forecast indicates that California's leaders face a dramatically smaller budget problem in 2013-14 compared to recent years. Furthermore, assuming steady economic growth and restraint in augmenting current program funding levels, there is a strong possibility of multibillion-dollar operating surpluses within a few years.

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan California Spending Plan (Final Version) Each year, our office publishes the California Spending Plan to summarize the annual state budget. This publication discusses the 2017 ‑18 Budget Act and other major budget actions approved in 2017.