Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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The 2023-24 Budget: Health Workforce Budget Solutions

Feb 21, 2023 - The federal government has designated hundreds of areas in California ( for the most part, small subdivisions of counties) as having shortfalls of primary care, mental health, and dental providers. The state also has designated 38 out of 72 areas in California as having high or medium shortfalls of nurses.

[PDF] For purposes of collective bargaining over IHSS provider wages

For purposes of collective bargaining over IHSS provider wages and terms of employment, all but two counties in the state have established entities known as “Public Authorities” (PAs). (Other counties have established different entities for this purpose.)

[PDF] LAO Report: California Tax Policy And the Internet

The tax is also important for local governments. Statewide, it provides about one-third of total city tax revenues. For counties it is an important source of funding for certain programs (criminal justice, transporta- tion, and particular health programs).

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Fair Minimum Wage Initiative (version 1). (Amendment #1-S)

Counties would face initial costs of about $5  million, rising to $10  million in 2008 ‑09 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Hospital Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi-Cal would be unknown but significant.

2005 Initiative Analysis: California Fair Minimum Wage Initiative (version 3). (Amendment #1-S)

Counties would face initial costs of about $5  million, rising to $25  million in 2009 ‑10 and thereafter. Medi-Cal Costs. Higher costs for hospital care paid through Medi-Cal would be unknown but significant.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Our forecast estimates that state education savings in the current year will be about $1.4 billion, about $300 million less than the amount assumed in the budget because: • As permitted by law, DOF reduced the remit- tance payment obligations for certain local governments that experienced increases in their redevelopment debt obligations. • Some cities and counties are expected

[PDF] Fiscal Outlook Lao Projection 2004-05 Through 2009-10

Finally, we estimate that forecasted 2004-05 Proposition 98 spending will fall by around $70 mil- lion because lower K-12 attendance growth will re- duce the continuous appropriation for school dis- tricts’ and county office of educations’ revenue lim- its.

[PDF] Government Spending Limit Act of 2010 [V-1]

Similarly, most cities, counties, and special districts are below their spending limits. (State law allows school and community college district governing boards to increase their spending limits to an amount equal to their proceeds of taxes; such increases in districts’ appropriations lim- its then reduces the spending limit of the state government by an equal amount.)

Changes to how Californians vote. (Amendment No. 1) [Ballot]

Feb 3, 2016 - No Significant Fiscal Effect on County Governments. The measure would require the state to reimburse counties for costs associated with implementing the statewide online voting system. Accordingly, the new IT system likely would ha ve no significant fiscal effect on county government.

[PDF] Cigarette Tax Initiative

Taxes based on the retail price of a wide assortment of goods. – Current state and local sales taxes apply to retail sale of cigarettes, other tobacco products, and electronic cigarettes. – Current state and local sales taxes range from 7.5 percent to 10 percent depending on the city or county.