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Federal Spending in California [Publication Details]

Jan 18, 2017 - These online posts estimate and explore federal expenditures in California, which we define as the amount of federal spending that we can directly attribute to recipients in California. In this set of posts, we display total federal expenditures by major program, recipient, and county. We also compare federal expenditures in California to other states.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - The state also distributes most federal funds for education to school districts and local education agencies. However, despite these ultimate beneficiaries, we categorize all federal payments that are first distributed to the state as “payments to the state government. ” We take a similar approach for payments to local governments.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - On this measure California ranked 42 nd among fifty states and the District of Columbia. Comparing Federal Expenditures Received to Federal Taxes Paid. Another way of comparing federal expenditures among states is by comparing them to the amount of taxes paid by that state.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - Of that amount, roughly $10 billion was passed on to local governments from the state and the remaining $8 billion was provided directly to local governments directly. Most of the federal funds from the state support county costs for health and human services programs, like Medi-Cal and CalWORKs.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - The counties that receive the most federal expenditures are generally the state ’s most populous. The top five recipient counties are: Los Angeles (with $81 billion in federal expenditures), San Diego ($37 billion), Orange ($21 billion), Santa Clara ($19 billion), and Sacramento ($15 billion).

A Historical Review of Proposition 98

Jan 18, 2017 - State Sometimes Has Settled Up Immediately. Sometimes the state has settled up as a fiscal year is ending. For example, in 2014 –15 , an upward revision to the estimate of state General Fund revenue increased the minimum guarantee by $5.4  billion, and the state provided the corresponding Proposition  98 augmentation as part of its June 2015 budget package.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - Wages, Salaries, and Benefits for Current and Former Federal Employees includes payments by the federal government to its current employees, including members of the armed services, and retirees, including veterans, and pensions for civilians.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - In this post, we provide more detail on federal funding for the state's natural resources and environmental protection programs, with a focus on the five state departments that receive the most federal funds last year.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - For example, payments to state government tha t are then distributed to local governments are considered federal expenditures to the state in this post. Most Federal Expenditures to California Supports Medi-Cal, State ’s Medicaid Program.

Federal Spending in California

Jan 18, 2017 - Our primary state-level source was the Department of Finance , but we also consulted other department-level data where appropriate. We also consulted some private sources, including Federal Funds Information for States , which aggregates information on federal grants to the states.