Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Overview of the Restitution Fund

As part of the revised 2008-09 budget, $80 million was transferred from the Restitution Fund to the General Fund. What Is the Restitution Fund? 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February 24, 2009 Restitution Fund Balance Has Fluctuated Signifi cantly In 2001-02, a signifi cant increase in the number of individuals fi ling claims contributed to an increase in VCP expenditures.

[PDF] What Happened to the Proposal to Redirect UC and CSU Applicants to Community Colleges?

. • These freshmen would be redirected to the lower-cost commu- nity colleges and assured eventual admission to a UC or CSU campus after completing a transfer program. • In recognition of the Governor’s budget proposal, UC redirected eligible freshman applicants to the community colleges.

[PDF] LAO 2007-08 Budget Analysis: Education

LAO 2007-08 Budget Analysis: Education E - Education 2007-08 Analysis Our roadmap also highlights the low graduation and transfer rates of community college students. To address these is‑ sues, we suggest the Legislature provide “student success” block grants that would create incentives for improvement while still allowing community colleges flexibility to develop local solutions (see page E‑48).

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Department of Consumer Affairs

Under current law, any special fund balances of entities that were eliminated could be transferred to the General Fund. The Governor ’s proposal relates to a relative few number of boards and commissions within DCA.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Legislative Branch

For the current year the commission transferred $400 of unexpended in-state travel appropriations to cover the difference in its contribution. Out- of-state travel expenses for California commissioners to attend the national conference constitute the largest expenditure ($2,675) in the commission's budget.

[PDF] 1975 Budget Analysis: Executive

The budget transfers 52.3 authorized positions, and the budgetary re- quirements for such pOSitions, from specific employment categories to the temporary help category. The office would then have 60.2 total authorized positions, .all in the temporary help category.

[PDF] Pet Animal Protection Act

It would also require animal rescue groups and other private shelters that adopt out animals transferred from local animal shelters to transfer to the public shelters 10 percent of the revenue generated from adoption activities.

[PDF] Child Care Realignment

“Rebenching” Proposition 98 to Reflect Transfer of Child Care Programs. As part of transferring most child care programs out of Proposition 98, the Governor proposes to rebench the minimum guarantee downward by the amount of Proposition 98 funds provided to these programs in 2002-03.

Child Abuse and Neglect in California - Part II

Those cases that were not closed out were continued as ongoing cases or transferred to other agencies. The ongoing cases consist of those transferred to the Family Maintenance co mponent of the CWS Program or to foster care.

2000 Budget Analysis: H&SS; DMH 4440

The state hospitals provide inpatient treatment services for mentally disabled county clients, judicially committed clients, clients civilly committed as Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs), and mentally disordered offenders and mentally disabled clients transferred from the California Department of Corrections.