Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Funding determination process for nonclassroom-based charter schools

Apr 25, 2012 - For example, a new nonclassroom-based charter school without an academic and fiscal track record would likely receive a funding determination for two years, whereas a charter school that has been open for a number of years may receive a three-year determination.

California revenues on track to be over $2 billion under administration target for April

Apr 25, 2012 - As of today (April 25), FTB has collected $4.00 billion. Collections have been running on a somewhat similar pattern as April 2011. If this year ’s final three collection days mirror the last three such days in April 2011, the state would end April with about $4.3 billion of FTB net collections —about $2 billion short of the administration ’s projection for the month.

Overview of Charter Schools and Their Funding [Publication Details]

Apr 24, 2012 - Overview of Charter Schools and Their Funding [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Personnel Specialist staffing ratios

Apr 17, 2012 - Sim ilarly, the administration is proposing to increase the number of PSI positions by 2.5 and increase the number of PSS positions by three in the budget year. These adjustments will result in $36,000 in increased costs in the current year and $420,000 in increased costs in the budget year.

Legal services funding adjustment

Apr 16, 2012 - Based on our conversations with DOJ, we estimate that the LSRF will have a year-end fund balance of about $25 mi llion in 2012-13, or about 13 percent of its proposed $192 million in expenditures. Governor ’s Budget Proposal.

Division of Law Enforcement

Apr 16, 2012 - Based on our conversations with DOJ, we estimate the LSRF to have a year-end fund balance of about $25 million in 2012-13, or about 13 percent of its proposed $192 million in expenditures. Governor ’s Budget Proposal.

Ongoing reductions to the judicial branch budget and proposed increase of civil fees

Apr 13, 2012 - Further Detail Over the last four years, the judicial branch has experienced various one-time and ongoing budget reductions as the state has faced large budget shortfalls. The Governor ’s 2012-13 budget reflects the cumulative ongoing reductions totaling $653 million facing the judicial branch, including the continuation of the $350 million reduction enacted in 2 011-12.

CTC's $5 million 2012-13 operating shortfall

Apr 13, 2012 - Since the Governor ’s plan in 2012-13 leaves CTC with a very small reserve, this revised revenue estimate would result in the commission ending the  fiscal year with a  small deficit. To ensure CTC enters the fiscal year with sufficient resources to cover  approved costs, we recommend the Legislature authorize a $250,000 transfer from the TDAA to the TCF in 2012-13.

The 2012-13 Budget: Managing Ongoing Reductions to the Judicial Branch [Publication Details]

Apr 13, 2012 - The 2012-13 Budget: Managing Ongoing Reductions to the Judicial Branch [Publication Details] The 2012-13 Budget: Managing Ongoing Reductions to the Judicial Branch Format: HTML Description: Over the last four years, the judicial branch has experienced various one–time and ongoing budget reductions as the state has faced large budget shortfalls.

Nutrition subsidies for children not attending public K-12 schools

Apr 11, 2012 - Adopt Governor's proposal to save $10.4 million non-Proposition 98, and also apply to school district-run child care programs to save an additional $2.5 million Proposition 98. Further Detail Each year, California receives about $200 million in federal funds to provide breakfast and/or lunch to about 312,000 children who do not attend public school districts.