Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Controller

Audits of county fairs are mainly concerned with the use of subvention funds since the assets are county property. We question for several reasons the necessity of the state spending $29,755 annually to audit county fairs.

"Fair Tax Initiative"

While the initiative limits the rate to 1  percent within a county, city, or special district, it does not specify the procedures if two overlapping jurisdictions both approve local fair taxes totaling more than 1  percent.

Overview of the 1997-98 May Revision

The May Revision proposes to return $100 million of the approximately $3.4 billion in property taxes that were transferred from counties, cities, and special districts to schools as part of previous budget agreements.

[PDF] Analysis of the 1987-88 Budget Bill: Summary of Recommendations

Our analysis indicates that these reimbursements are un- derestimated by $3 million, because the estimate does not take into account growth in the sales tax base, or the adoption in November 1986 of transit taxes in two counties.

[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: California Spending Plan

Proposition 56, approved by voters in 2016, raised state taxes on tobacco products and dedicates the majority of its associated revenues to Medi-Cal . The spending plan allocates up to $1 .26 billion in Proposition 56 revenues to be spent in Medi-Cal in 2018-19 on the following purposes: • Up to $821 Million for Provider Payment Increases.

[PDF] New Funding Model for Special Education

Tax Fed. Funds Preschool Total $ Per ADA 01 Anaheim City School District SELPA 16,585 3,759,851 673,450 429,969 205,570 5,068,840 306 02 Antelope Valley SELPA 55,870 11,084,062 3,323,129 1,690,930 397,007 16,495,128 295 03 Bakersfield City SELPA 25,721 7,386,293 0 833,816 314,140 8,534,249 332 04 Butte County SELPA 32,091 5,831,917 3,643,667 1,283,906 322,677

The 2020-21 Budget: The Governor’s Cannabis‑Related Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 14, 2020 - The Governor’s 2020-21 budget includes various cannabis-related proposals, including both budget trailer legislation and budget change proposals from multiple departments. In this report, we (1) provide some background on cannabis regulation and taxation in California; (2) describe the Governor’s proposals; and (3) provide recommendations on these proposals for legislative consideration.

Death penalty. [Ballot]

Nov 4, 2015 - County Jails. County jail costs could also be reduced because of the measure ’s effect on murder trials. Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing.

Completing the Goals of Trial Court Realignment

The purpose of the SAL is to provide a limit on annual state and local government spending from tax revenues. Every year, the SAL is adjusted to account for changes in the cost –of –living (the percent change in the state's per –capita personal income) and population (the weighted average of growth in California's civilian population and K –14 average daily attendance).

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill General Government Departmental Issues 3

The Property Reutilization Program was establishe d to save tax dollars by reusing state-owned materials. However, the program lost $400,000 in 1996-97 and is projected to lose $500,000 in both 1997-98 and 1998-99.