Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Disposal and Recycling of Single-Use Plastic Packaging and Foodware. [Ballot]

Dec 26, 2019 - This measure also requires that the budgets for certain state natural resources departments continue to receive at least the same level of General Fund support in future years as is included in the state ’s 2019-20 budget.

[PDF] Improving California’s Unemployment Insurance Program

Set by state law, the base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters prior to the job loss. Some workers also may be eligible under the state’s alternative base period, which is the last four completed calendar quarters prior to the job loss.

Proposed Settlement Agreement of CTA v. Gould

As a major part of its response to budget crises during 1991-92 through 1993-94, the state allowed schools to spend above the minimum Proposition 98 guarantee through the use of Proposition 98 "loans " that would be repaid in future years.

[PDF] CalSTRS-and-Proposition-98

Made it easier for state to fund the minimum guarantee for schools and community colleges over time. Who Benefi ted From Insuffi cient Prior Funding? 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 19,2014 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Constitutional Requirement to Fund Schools and Community Colleges at a Minimum Level Each Year  Approved by voters in 1988.

The 2023-24 California Spending Plan: Judiciary and Criminal Justice [Publication Details]

Oct 16, 2023 - The 2023-24 budget provides $18.6 billion from the General Fund for judicial and criminal justice programs, including support for program operations and capital outlay projects. This is a decrease of $1.2 billion, or 6 percent, below the revised 2022-23 spending level. A large portion of this reduction is due to the expiration of limited-term funding provided in previous years.

Bay Area Home Prices Looking a Little Hot [EconTax Blog]

May 2, 2018 - This is an increase of 9% over the last year. At the same time, median rents grew by only 3% over the last year, reaching $1,900 per month. This recent uptick in home prices comes on the heels of a 60% increase in home prices between 2012 and 2017.

[PDF] Attendance-Based Funding for Schools

Charter schools are funded based on current-year ADA only. State Temporarily Modified Attendance Calculations During Pandemic • For 2019-20, attendance funding based only on attendance through February, rather than mid-April. • In 2020-21, no attendance data was collected.

The 2011-12 Budget: Overview of the May Revision

By not creating new programs and instead paying down deferrals, the May Revision provides benefits to both the state and school districts. From the state ’s perspective, outstanding state obligations as well as out –year state budget shortfalls are reduced.

[PDF] Overview-of-Proposition-98-Budget-Proposals-030515

This adjustment reduces General Fund spending on schools dollar for dollar.  Provided General Fund savings of $1.2 billion in 2012-13, $318 million in 2013-14, and $67 million in 2014-15. (Small additional General Fund savings are expected for the next few years until the disposal of assets is complete.)  Some Ongoing Local Property Tax Revenue Provides General

[PDF] Implementation of LCFF and LCAPs

The Eight State Priority Areas and Associated Metrics Student Engagement • School attendance rates. • Chronic absenteeism rates. • Middle school dropout rates. • High school dropout rates. • High school graduation rates.