Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

These fiat charges are made to the counties of commitment. Some counties have organized collection programs to seek the recovery of part of this money from patients and responsible relatives. Other counties make little or no effort in this direction and raise the money through th:eir tax base.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

There are two ways of remedying this tax inequity: 557 Natural Resources Item 182 Division of Forestry-Continued 1. Provide a state subvention to all fire control organizations such as city fire departments, county fire departments and rural fire depart- ments, or 2.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Public Health

These positions will no longer be needed to provide the detailed dependent county service to the four counties previously mentioned if the proposed Budget Act language is approved by the Legislature.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Public Works

This was entirely at the state level and had no direct relationship to local, city and county building codes. The second mission was the publication of a single document which would list all state requirements, from whatever source, concerning construction and building.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

Since we recommend a reduction in the number of positions requested for the case management project on the basis that the pilot study being conducted in San Francisco County should be observed and evaluated before similar projects are ,started by the State in other counties, less consultant services will be needed.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Veterans Affairs

We recommend approval of this item as requested. 732 Department of Veterans Affairs VETERANS HOME ITEM 262 of the Budget Bill FOR SUPPORT OF VETERANS HOME FROM THE GENERAL FUND Veterans Affairs Amount requested ______________________________________________ $2,896,576 Contribution to State Employees' Retirement System________________ 260,009 Total

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

California Water Planning Program-Department of Water Resources Fiscal Year 1961-62 Prog1'ams North Coastal Area Investigation _____________ _ Upper Sacramento River Basin Investigation __ _ Yuba and Bear River Drainage Basins Investigation ____________________________ _ Planning Manual Program __________________ _ Local Area Water Development Program: Northeast Counties Ground

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

It appears that this situa- tion has largely been corrected in the last year through departmental action. 934 REIMBURSABLE BUDGETS OF SHORT-DOYLE APPROVED PROGRAMS Cost Total Information and reimbursable Outpatient Inpatient Rehabilitation Oonsultation educational Program b~tdget services se1'vices services services services Alameda County _________________________ $117,692

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

., at county and agricultural district fairs and other duties very closely allied to public information. This function is also carried on at the Area Command level by a uniformed member of the patrol.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Fire Marshal

The State Fire Marshal assists local authorities with the inspection of private mental facilities, public assembly areas and schools; reviews plans for and inspects all state institutions; assists the Department of Public Health with its inspection of private welfare facilities and private and public hospitals; reviews public school draw- ings for the Division of Architecture; assists the