Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Overview of the 2005-06 May Revision

The increase is boosted by the proposed transfer of Proposition  42 funds to transportation, a one-time payment of past Proposition  98 settle-up obligations, and a $90  million increase in the Department of Mental Health's budget to cover payment of prior-year county mandate claims for mental health services to special education pupils.

State Corrections: Response to COVID-19

May 8, 2020 - On March  24, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-36 ‑20, which directed the Secretary of CDCR to temporarily suspend intake to state prison —meaning inmates sentenced to state prison will instead remain in county jail until the suspension is lifted.

Moving Forward With Eligibility and Enrollment Process Improvements

Counties also use their own local IT systems (generally spreadsheets and databases) to support the systems described above. These systems tend to be developed in–house by county IT staff (rather than purchased from a vendor) and are county funded.

The 2022-23 Budget: Health Care Access and Affordability

Feb 23, 2022 - Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC). The APTC —as structured under the ACA —offsets the cost of health insurance premiums for households with incomes between 100  percent and 400  percent of the FPL. This  tax credit effectively limits a household ’s net premium for a silver plan (after accounting for the tax credit) to between 2  percent and 10  percent of annual income.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Secretary of State (0890)

Replacement of County Voting Machines. At the time this analysis was prepared, authorization was pending to provide two additional counties with $3.5  million to replace their voting machines, leaving 12 counties who have yet to complete their applications.

LAO Publications

The Governor’s budget proposes providing counties $134 million to replace their voting equipment. This proposal assumes counties implement a the new “vote center” model of voting. Given the condition o f counties’ voting equipment and the state’s interest in effective county administration of elections, state assistance for purchasing new voting equipment is warranted.

Various changes to charter school petitions and oversight.

Mar 19, 2013 - Countywide charter schools are authorized by a county office of education (COE) and may operate anywhere within the boundaries of th at county. Statewide charter schools are authorized by the State Board of Education (SBE) and may operate anywhere within the state.

COVID-19 and California’s Evolving Fiscal Outlook

Mar 18, 2020 - Volatile Financial Markets Indicate Lower Capital Gains-Related Tax Revenue Taxes on capital gains are a significant source of state revenue. Even in “normal ” times, capital gains income is difficult to forecast because it correlates with stock market performance.

The 2022-23 Budget: Supply Chain and Port Infrastructure Proposals

Feb 15, 2022 - The Governor ’s budget provides $3.5  million from the General Fund in 2022 ‑23 (and $10  million annually from 2023 ‑24 through 2025 ‑26) for DMV to lease dedicated commercial drive test centers in the Bay Area and northern Los Angeles County.

Major Features of the 2007 California Budget

In his veto message the Governor indicated that counties could choose to restructure the program to meet the needs of the counties’ homeless population using other county funding sources, such as federal funds, realignment funds, or Proposition 63 funds.