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State Budget (548)
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Results for irish state pension in State Budget

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The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

Nov 18, 2015 - Our university forecast also does not include cost increases for CSU retiree health and pension contributions, as we forecast these as part of overall state employee costs. (The state only provides specific augmentations to cover pension rate adjustments relative to CSU ’s 2013 –14 payroll level, with CSU expected to cover any other pension cost increases from its base budget.)

Fiscal Outlook Addendum: CalPERS

Nov 18, 2015 - As we state in the Fiscal Outlook (p. 44 of the pdf version), the plan adopted today by the CalPERS board "would not necessarily increase costs above our assumptions between now and 2019-20 " because it changes the system 's discount rates so gradually.

Fiscal Outlook Addendum: CalPERS [Publication Details]

Nov 18, 2015 - Our Fiscal Outlook publication today discusses various near-term budget risks for the state related to pensions and retiree health. (See pages 43-45 of the pdf version of the report.) This note is an addendum to the Fiscal Outlook to reflect some recent developments concerning the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS).

The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details]

Nov 18, 2015 - The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook [Publication Details] Infographic Description: California's state budget is better prepared for an economic downturn than it has been at any point in decades.

2015-16 State Budget Infographic [Publication Details]

Nov 16, 2015 - 2015-16 State Budget Infographic [Publication Details] Infographic Description: This infographic presents information about the current state budget (2015-16) and compares the level of spending and revenues assumed in the current budget to historical levels since 1950-51.

The 2015-16 Budget: California Spending Plan [Publication Details]

Oct 19, 2015 - Each year, the Legislative Analyst's Office publishes its Spending Plan publication to summarize the state's annual budget. Passed in June 2015, with various amendments later during the year's legislative session, the state's 2015-16 spending plan includes a large increase in funding for schools and community colleges.

The 2015-16 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 19, 2015 - Requires State to Coordinate Federal Adult Education Funding. Trailer legislation requires the state to coordinate funding of two federal adult education programs with state Adult Education Block Grant funding.

The 2015-16 Budget: Major Features of the Adopted Plan (Overview of Adopted Plan)

Jun 19, 2015 - The budget ends 2015‑16 with $4.6  billion in estimated total reserves, including $1.1  billion in the Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties —the state ’s traditional budget reserve —and $3.5  billion in the BSA.

The 2015-16 Budget: Major Features of the Adopted Plan (Other Issues)

Jun 19, 2015 - A budget trailer bill, in a related change, repeals the existing state law —found to be ineffective by various reviews —that required elimination of some state positions that are vacant for six consecutive months.

The 2015-16 Budget: The Governor's Proposition 2 Proposal [Publication Details]

Mar 25, 2015 - We recommend that the Legislature develop a long-term plan for Proposition 2 and suggest that the Legislature solicit proposals from the administration, state pension systems—including CalPERS, CalSTRS, and the UC Regents—and others concerning the benefits of applying Proposition 2 debt payment funds toward eligible liabilities.