Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Proposed-statutory-initiative-related-to-the-cultivation-use-possession-and-sale-of-marijuana

However, the measure allows cities to restrict the number of recreational marijuana businesses based on “legal reasonable necessity policies.” In addition, the measure also requires various state departments to regulate different aspects of the marijuana industry.

[PDF] Online sports wagering.

At the same time, DOJ, county district attorneys, and city attorneys can pursue criminal actions seeking fines or convictions for violations of the state’s gaming laws. Tribal-State Compacts. Indian tribes possess special status under federal law.

[PDF] Water supply.

Local government agencies—usually water districts, cities, and counties—fund most of the projects that provide clean water for people to drink and supply water for farming. These include projects to increase water supplies, such as building water recycling plants.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Business

Training of local citizens and officials, has been accomplished through grantsmanship workshops conducted in eight cities in California. The intent of these workshops is to teach local officials how to apply for federal funds effectively.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, California Community Colleges (6870)

Long Beach CCD, Long Beach City College: Industrial Technology Center, Manufacturing We recommend the Legislature delete $698,000 for development of preliminary plans and working drawings for the Industrial Technology Center, Manufacturing at the Long Beach City College campus and recognize a reduction of future costs of $9,897,000 because the campus (1) could

[PDF] Tax Public Pensions Above $100,000 per Year Act

In addition, hundreds of local governmental entities (including some cities, counties, special districts, and county offices of education) choose to contract with CalPERS to provide pension benefits for their employees.

2011 Initiative Analysis: California Deficit Prevention Act

That measure established in the Constitution an appropriations limit (referred to below as the "spending limit " or the "limit ") for the state government, as well as a limit for each city, county, school district, and other local government entity.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Raise Public Retirement Ages Act

In addition, hundreds of local governmental entities (including cities, counties, special districts, and county offices of education) choose to contract with CalPERS to provide pension benefits for their employees.

2011 Initiative Analysis: Tax Public Pensions Above $100,000 per Year Act

In addition, hundreds of local governmental entities (including some cities, counties, special districts, and county offices of education) choose to contract with CalPERS to provide pension benefits for their employees.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Executive

The council is composed of eighteen members appointed by the Gov- ern.or including three city officers, three county officers, two school district officers, six state officers, and four public members.