Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Related to Monitoring Prescription Drug Use

There also would be one-time and ongoing administrative costs related to collecting the new tax. The measure earmarks a portion of the new revenues to cover these costs. Summary of Fiscal Effects We estimate that this measure would have the following major fiscal effects:  Increased state revenues of approximately $7 million annually from a new tax on prescription drugs.

[PDF] Summary of Recommended Legislative Changes Contained in the Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill

The budget requests $7,329,000 for the registration of this program, consisting of $5,336,000 from the General Fund, $516,000 from registration fees, and $1,477,000 from the mill tax. We concur with the department's stated funding policy that industry fees or special taxes should support programs that either directly benefit an identifiable group of persons or regulate their activities in order to prevent damage to others.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Pothole Repair Funded by Online Poker (Amendment #2-S)

The state and local governments would experience a loss of other tax revenues (such as sales tax revenues from reduced purchases) and gambling-related revenues (such as revenues generated from the California Lottery, card rooms, horse racing establishments, and tribal casinos).

2011 Initiative Analysis:Fee on Prescription Narcotics to Support Consumer Safety

There also would be one-time and ongoing administrative costs related to collecting the new tax. The measure earmarks a portion of the new revenues to cover these costs. Summary of Fiscal Effects We estimate that this measure would have the following major fiscal effects: ·                 Increased state revenues of approximately $7  million annually from a new tax on prescription drugs.

[PDF] 2004-05: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

The Governor proposes an approach that relies on substantial spending cuts; a large shift of property taxes from local governments; as well as additional borrowing, deferrals, and fund shifts. Also, while raising certain fees, the proposal avoids new taxes.

[PDF] School District Revenue Limits

. $27,753.4a Necessary Small Schools Subsidizes very small schools, usually in small districts. 109.7 Excess Taxes Property tax revenues in excess of the amount needed to fund a district’s revenue limit entitlement.

[PDF] County Fiscal Distress—A Look at Butte County

These sources include the property tax, other taxes (including sales tax, transient occupancy tax, and thelike), and other general purpose revenue sources (including state and federal general purpose subventions, fines, franchise fees, and revenue from use of money and property).

[PDF] Update California: Budget and Cash Developments

Local Property Tax Shortfa//s-$0.3 billion cost Under current fiscal conditions, Proposi- tion 98 .requires the s~ate to backfill shortfalls in property tax. revenues received by public schools and community colleges.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Employment Development Department (7100)

The department collects from employers (1) their UI contributions, (2) the Employment Training Tax, and (3) employee contributions for DI. It also collects personal income tax withholding. In addition, it pays UI and DI benefits to eligible claimants.

Performance Accountability Voucher for Education

The measure also requires the Legislature to reduce the state sales taxes by the amount of the reduction in the cost of funding K-12 ed ucation, and that the "Gann Expenditure Limit" be reduced by an equivalent amount.