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Results for quezon city transfer of ownership in Resources

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Preparing for Rising Seas: How the State Can Help Support Local Coastal Adaptation Efforts

Dec 10, 2019 - For example, OPR ’s statewide Annual Planning Survey found in 2018 t hat 60  p ercent of responding cities and counties have plans or strategies to adapt to the impacts of climate change. (This survey did not ask about SLR specifically.)

The 2023-24 Budget: Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Revenue Estimates

Mar 2, 2023 - The remaining revenue (about 30  percent) is available for appropriation by the Legislature through the annual budget for other ongoing funding commitments (such as state administrative costs and statutory transfers), as well as discretionary spending programs.

Assessing California’s Climate Policies—An Overview

Dec 21, 2018 - Economic Transfers. In contrast, the most visible effect of the policy —and the one that is reflected in gasoline prices —reflects a transfer of money from drivers to state government. Essentially, these transfers occur because the state auctions allowances to transportation fuel suppliers and generates revenue.

The 2020-21 Spending Plan: Resources and Environmental Protection

Oct 5, 2020 - Specifically, budget trailer legislation allows the Director of Finance to transfer up to $130  million from the USTC Fund as a loan to the SADW Fund in 2020 ‑21 to help make up the difference should 5  percent of GGRF revenues fall short of that amount.

The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Energy Policy Changes

Mar 10, 2023 - The CCA program allows cities, counties, and other government entities within the service area of an IOU to purchase and/or generate electricity for their residents and businesses. The intention of this program is to increase options for customers.

The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California's Water Needs [Publication Details]

Sep 8, 1999 - The Role of Water Transfers in Meeting California's Water Needs [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Improving California's Forest and Watershed Management

Apr 4, 2018 - Smoke from the multiple wildfires that burned in the northern part of the state in October 2017 affected air quality and closed schools, airports, and businesses in cities at least 100 m iles away from the fires.

What Can We Learn From How the State Responded to the Last Major Drought?

May 13, 2021 - For example, state agencies could begin to accept and review applications for potential water transfers among users now, before they are needed. Spending time reviewing such proposals and their potential impacts ahead of time could avoid some delays if it becomes clear that such transfers are necessary.

Managing Floods in California

Mar 22, 2017 - During periods of high water flows, more than 80  percent of Sacramento River waters can end up flowing through the Yolo Bypass instead of through the main stem of the river near the City of Sacramento.

Climate Change Impacts Across California - Crosscutting Issues

Apr 5, 2022 - Costs for cities and counties might include adding drainage to roads to manage more intense rain events, or modifying water treatment plants located along the coast to accommodate higher sea levels. …And Private Residents and Businesses.