Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Transportation Proposals

Under existing law, these revenues are transferred to the General Fund, making them unavailable to support MVA expenditures. The Legislature could change state law in order to keep these revenues in the MVA.

[PDF] We further recommend adoption of Buaget Bill language

We further recommend adoption of Buaget Bill language authorizing a transfer of funds from Control. Section 22 to Item· 6870-001-001 to support administrative staff. (Reduce Item 6870-001-001 by $128,000 and amend Control Section 22.)

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

The equipment, which consists largely of automobiles, is set up at appraised value at time of transfer. An augmentation of $256,000 is requested for 1961-62, calculated as follows: 774

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Employment

Appropriate control section language previously adopted by the Legislature to effect this transfer is as follows: "SEC. ___ . The unencumbered balance of the Department of Em- ployment Contingent Fund which at any time during the 1965-66 fiscal year exceeds $1,000,000 is hereby appropriated for transfer to the Gen- eral Fund such transfer to be made from time to time upon order of the State Controller."

[PDF] Governor's Realignment Plan—Criminal Justice

No offenders currently in state prison would be transferred to the local level.  Program Suited for Realignment  Improved Program Outcomes. Realigning lower-level offenders would allow local governments to utilize different approaches to rehabilitate offenders and protect public safety.

[PDF] LAO Major Features of the 2001 California Budget

The $76 million reduction in the TCRP transfer is the amount by which the total transfers proposed in current law exceed the total funds allocated to the TCRP projects. 14 patrol, the roving tow truck service designed to reduce congestion by clearing accidents faster.

Overview of the 2003-04 May Revision

Transportation ·     Transfers sales tax revenue to fund $207  million in projects. Remaining $938  million in Proposition  42 transfers deferred for up to six years. ·     Suspends transfer of sales taxes to the Public Transportation Account ($87  million).

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

The section also authorizes the Controller to transfer the above contributions to the State Payroll Revolving Fund. Each budget item has included money to provide for the contribution to each of the above funds.

[PDF] Considering Options to Expand Paid Family Leave in California

Alternatives include changing the statutory rules that govern the adjustable payroll tax used to finance benefits, identifying other employment-related fund sources, or making an annual General Fund transfer to finance expanded benefits.

Focus Budget 1995

Transfer of Special Funds In recent years, amounts have been transferred from special funds to the General Fund to finance certain state activities. Figure 1 shows the major transfers for 1995-96. Information Technology The responsibility for oversight of state information technology was transferred from the Department of Finance