Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2016-17 Budget Act

(b) Tracking County Savings and Costs. A status update on the development and communication with county departments of a methodology to track county costs and savings related to CCR implementation. (c) Systems Changes.

[PDF] In-Home Supportive Services: Background on Budget, Providers, and Registries

County Wage Range. Although the state participates in wages and benefi ts up to $12.10 per hour, county wages and benefi ts as of March 2007 ranged from $7.50 to $13.30 per hour. IHSS Providers Consumer Control.

Legislative Analyst's Office

Some felony offenders can be sentenced to county jail, probation, or a combination of county jail and community supervision. Infraction: The least serious type of criminal offense, generally punishable by a fine.

[PDF] Programs to Improve Quality of Child Care and Preschool

Currently, these functions are performed at the county level by R&R agencies and LPCs.  Repackage Other County-Level Funding Into Block Grant  Combine seven programs currently run by county-level support entities into a county block grant totaling $21 million.  Require key support entities in each county to

Medi-Cal Managed Care Has Not Had an Adverse Effect on Rural Health Care Clinics

Some clinics also receive county funds th rough contracts to assist the counties in meeting their statutory requirement to provide health care to the medically indigent. Cost-Based Payment to FQHCs and RHCs .

[PDF] Programs to Improve Quality of Child Care and Preschool

Currently, these functions are performed at the county level by R&R agencies and LPCs.  Repackage Other County-Level Funding Into Block Grant  Combine seven programs currently run by county-level support entities into a county block grant totaling $21 million.  Require key support entities in each county to

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Departmental Issues 4

Among the counties that are not performing well and not showing adequate improvement in performance there are two strategies. First, for counties that are making a low level of administrative effort, the department and the county would be required to establish a three-year expenditure plan designed to rea ch targeted levels of administrative effort.

[PDF] Improving Parolee Substance Use Disorder Treatment Through Medi-Cal

Counties that opt into DMC-ODS also have the ability to propose county-specific rates that ensure they cover the costs of providing SUDT. This provides counties with greater flexibility to adjust their rates based on local costs—allowing counties in high cost areas to attract more providers.

The MCO Tax: A Flat Versus Tiered Structure

Jul 20, 2015 - Some MCOs with higher tax rates could cede some of their market share to other MCOs with lower tax rates. A flat tax woul d not have this effect. Regardless of which tax structure is in place, there are signs that the MCO industry is already moving toward greater consolidation.

Voluntary certification of the accuracy of information cited in political advertisements for federal office (Amendment #1). [Ballot]

Oct 13, 2015 - This certification would be voluntary and submitted to county election officials under penalty of perjury with a maximum sentence of four years in prison. Any investigation or prosecution of perjury would be delayed until after the general election has concluded.