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[PDF] Parole consideration, credits, and the prosecution of juveniles in adult court, Amendment No. 1.

Net Increase in County Costs. If fewer youths are tried and convicted as adults, the measure would also have a number of fiscal effects on counties. First, as discussed above, counties would be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of housing these youth in DJJ.

[PDF] Ballot Analysis

. • County Jail and/or Community Supervision. People who have no current or past convictions for serious, violent, or sex crimes are typically sentenced to county jail or are supervised by county probation officers in the community, or both.

2002 Budget Analysis: P&I, Welfare-to-Work Participation in the CalWORKs Program

The sample size and sampling methodology used by the department to calculate the participation rates do not permit county-by-county analysis or detailed regional comparisons. However, it is possible to compare Los Angeles County, which accounted for approximately 38  percent of the CalWORKs caseload in FFY  2000, to the rest of the state.

Why is Venture Capital Funding a Useful Economic Indicator? [EconTax Blog]

Feb 18, 2021 - Many California firms th at relied on VC funding at various stages of their development went public in 2020, and this contributed to surprisingly strong growth in personal income tax revenue despite the deep recession caused by the pandemic.

(g) To cooperate with and to secure the cooperation of

(g) To cooperate with and to secure the cooperation of county, city, city and county, and other local law enforcement agencies in investigating any matter within the scope of its duties and responsibilities, and to direct the sheriff of any county or any marshal to serve subpoenas, orders, and other process.

Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency

Sep 30, 2016 - UI Program Is Financed Through Employer Tax Contributions. Employers pay both state and federal UI payroll taxes. State UI taxes are deposited into the state ’s UI trust fund to pay for benefits to unemployed workers.

The Child Support Enforcement Program From a Fiscal Perspective: How Can Performance Be Improved? [Publication Details]

Apr 13, 1999 - [Publication Details] Description: We review the program and recommend that either (1) responsibility for administering and funding the program be transferred from the counties to the state, or (2) administrative responsibilities be retained by counties coupled with a new fiscal incentive program.

[PDF] Every Vote Counts—The Voter Identification Act

To the extent the measure increased the number of provisional ballots cast, county processing costs would increase. Any increased county costs from these factors would be incurred at each election held.

[PDF] Overview of Trial Court Construction and Facility Maintenance

The CFTF was created to generally receive the above annual county facility payments. The CFTF generally supports facility operations and maintenance costs. „ Reimbursements. Trial court facilities may be fully managed by the state, county, state and county, or by private entities (if the facility is leased).

[PDF] Constitutional initiative regarding a nonpartisan, unicameral, state Legislature.

County Elections Responsibilities. California counties administer elections—including special elections called by the Governor. County elections officials prepare and distribute county voter information guides, provide places for voting, maintain voter registration records, print ballots for all registered voters, tabulate votes, and transmit election results to the Secretary of State.