Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: SECTION IV

Why not at least eliminate the tax col- lecting by the Public Utilities Commission and have the Board of Equali- zation, the largest tax agency of the State, collect and remit ~ There are other instances where a department makes certain inspec- tions for the purpose of enforcement of the safety laws, and at this time they could or do discover that a hazardous fire condition exists.

[PDF] 1955 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

Redemption Tax fund This fund is shown on page 415 of the budget. Its main source of revenue is derived from redemption fees assessed on the sales of state tax-deeded lands. The fund supports the operations of the Tax-deeded Lands Division in the Office of the Controller.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Employment

The Unemployment Fund receives most of its revenue from employer contributions imposed upon California employers under the provisions of the California Unemployment Insurance Code while the Disability Fttn,d receives :Q1()st of its reven.uesfrom a one~percent tax on wages and is paid by the employees.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

This assistance is in addition to the personal 6~76610 1944 / TAX RELIEF Item 9100 SENIOR CITIZENS RENTERS' TAX ASSISTANCE-Continued income tax credit provided all renters under Item 9100-101-001 (h).

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Improving Customer Service Efficiency at the DMV

Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle- related businesses such as automobile dealers and driver training schools, and collects certain fees and tax revenues for state and local agencies. Currently, the department provides service to over 20 million customers a year and operates 313 facilities, which include customer service field offices, telephone service centers, commercial licensing facilities, headquarters, and driver safety and investigations offices.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Higher Education Chapter

However, our estimate of the increase in General Fund tax revenue growth between the two fiscal years—and therefore our estimate of the Prop- osition 98 minimum funding guarantee—is lower than the budget’s estimate.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Revenues

The budget also proposes permanent elimination of the renters’ tax credit, although we view this not as a tax program per se, but rather akin to an expenditure program which uses the tax structure as a conve- nient means of disbursing its benefits.)

1999-00 Budget, Perspectives and Issues: CalWORKs Community Service

The Vermont program recognizes that recipients in wage-based community service must pay FICA taxes of 7.65 percent and fac e other work expenses such as transportation. As noted previously, Vermont set its disregard at $90 for all families for the purpose of covering these costs.

2000 Budget Analysis: Resources CC Fund Conditions

The costs of commercial fi shing programs are to be paid solely out of revenues from commercial fishing taxes and license fees. For 2000-01, the budget proposes total FGPF expenditures of $80 million, almost entirely for the support of DFG.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis:Overview

Most of this decrease is attributable to reduced spending of funds administered by the Children and Families Commission and reduced Proposition  99 funds, both supported by tobacco tax revenues which have been in decline.