Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget

CCC property tax backfill 74.9 83.2 Relies on $47 million in one-time Proposi- tion 98, $6 million in excess student fee revenue, and $30 million from the Public School Planning, Design, and Construc- tion Review Revolving Fund to cover community colleges' current-year local property tax shortfall.

[PDF] Major Features of the 2007 California Budget

In his veto mes‑ sage the Governor indicated that counties could choose to restructure the program to meet the needs of the counties’ homeless population using other county funding sources, such as federal funds, realignment funds, or Proposition 63 funds.

Data collection and reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies. [Ballot]

Sep 24, 2018 - In 2015, the Legislature enacted legislation requiring that the California Highway Patrol (CHP), city or county law enforcement agencies, and university education institution law enforcement agencies collect and report annually to the Department of Justice (DOJ) certain data on all stops conducted by their officers.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: Health & Social Services Chapter

Each county is further required by the regulations to establish a trust fund for all Proposition 36 funds. In addition, the new DADP rules direct each county to submit to the state a county plan for implementation of Proposition 36, including pro- visions indicating how the county alcohol and drug program office, pro- bation department, and courts will collaborate to carry out the law.

[PDF] Juvenile Crime - Outlook for California

Those that don't have such facilities generally contract with adjacent counties for space. There are approximately 6,100 juvenile hall beds in California, almost 30 percent of these beds are in Los Angeles. + Counties also have ranches or camps to incarcerate juveniles for longer periods, usually an average of six months.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Foster Care (5180)

The remaining 56 counties are budgeted in Item 5180 –101 –0001. Including the waiver counties, the Governor ’s budget proposes expenditures of $1.6 billion ($425 million General Fund) for the Foster Care program in 2008 –09.

[PDF] Local Control Funding Formula

Enhanced County Superintendent Intervention Applies to: districts whose FCMAT evaluation determines the county superintendent requires greater authority to improve academic outcomes. County superintendent may: • Make changes to a district’s LCAP. • Revise a district’s budget to align with LCAP. • Exercise stay and rescind powers over district’s local governing board.

Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Version C)

County jail operating costs would increase, however, to the extent that offenders diverted to the communi ty under this initiative were placed in county jail custody after subsequently committing other crimes or failing to complete the drug treatment programs to which they were sentenc ed.

"The Three Strikes Act of 2000"

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

Three Strikes and You're Out

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.