Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The Governor's Special Session Proposal to Reduce the Prison Population

However, recommend reducing the assumed savings to a more realistic level of $5 million in 2009-10 and $250 million in 2010-11.  Allow Counties to Expand Use of Alternatives to Incarceration. Recommend adopting statutory changes permitting counties to place additional jail inmates on electronic home monitoring in lieu of incarceration, in order to further alleviate the impact of the Governor’s proposal on county jails.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

The law provides for a basic allotment, to administrative bodies serving one or more counties, of $16,000, or sixty cents per capita per county, whichever is the lesser. If a county is divided into two or more local health depart- ment jurisdictions, the basic allotment is divided in proportion to popu- lation served, except that no funds are made available to independent health departments serving cities of less than 50,000 popUlation.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: State Correctional Population Outlook

As of the beginning of October 2020, there were nearly 8,000 inmates in county jail awaiting transfer to state prison. The state provides counties $93.54 per day for each inmate they house who would otherwise be in state prison.

[PDF] Death Penalty

County Jail Costs. Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in custody in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing.

2007 Initiative Analysis:Victims’ Bill of Rights Act of 2008: Marsy’s Law

Early releases of jail inmates now occur in a number of counties, primarily in response to population limits imposed on county jail facilities as a result of past federal court litigation over overcrowded conditions.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch (0250)

When the state assumed primary responsibility for funding trial court operations, there were a number of court-related fees that could not be designated as belonging to either the courts or the counties.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Alcohol and Drug Programs (4200)

Proposition 36 permits counties to carry over unspent Proposition 36 allocations from year to year, and a number of counties have done so. The amount of carryover funds available to counties has been dropping in recent years as programs have ramped up their expenditures.

[PDF] Death penalty.

County Jails. County jail costs could also be reduced because of the measure’s effect on murder trials. Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing.

[PDF] The Savings, Accountability and Full Enforcement for California Act

Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in custody in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing. As some murder cases were expedited or eliminated due to the prohibition on capital punishment, the transfer of persons convicted of murder from county jail to

2011 Initiative Analysis:The Savings, Accountability and Full Enforcement for California Act

As some murder cases were expedited or eliminated due to the prohibition on capital punishment, the transfer of persons convicted of murder from county jail to state prison would be accelerated, thus reducing the operating costs of county jails.