Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Social Welfare

Prevention of Blindness (state-operated with county assistance). 11. Child Welfare Services. In addition, the counties operate general relief prog-rams, public health programs, and county hospitals, some of which receive subven- tions from other state agencies.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act of 2008

Counties could also collect additional fees paid by drug offenders placed in treatment programs. The net fiscal impact of all of these factors on counties is unknown. Unknown Net Fiscal Effect on County Capital Outlay Costs Some counties could, as a result of this measure, face added capital outlay costs for housing parole violators who would be diverted from prison to jails.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Fiscal Outlook for Schools and Community Colleges

In addition, a district facing “extraordinary fiscal circumstances” can apply for an exemption from its county office of education for up to two consecutive years. 2020-21 AND 2021-22 UPDATES State Revenues Have Been Surging.

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance, Part 1

California Counties: A Look at Program Performance, Part 1 Legislative Analyst's Office, May 1998 California Counties A Look at Program Performance Regional Data Summaries in Excel Format Regional Data Summaries in Excel Format

K-12 Master Plan--Starting the Process

Both school districts and counties are creations of the state. Because counties operate most state and federal health and welfare programs at the local level, minimizing spill-overs requires coordination between two independent levels of government.

Unclaimed Property: Rethinking the State’s Lost & Found Program

Create a mobile unit that visits state and county fairs, malls, and other large gatherings. Publicize top unclaimed property owners or regions. Database Enhancements Create a feature that suggests possible matches to users.

Rethinking Community School Funding [Publication Details]

Aug 10, 1994 - Rethinking Community School Funding [Publication Details] PDF Description: Community schools are operated by County Offices of Education (COEs) as alternative instructional placements for about 18,500 pupils in grades 7-12 who, for various reasons, have not been successful in traditional school programs.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget Proposals

Governor’s Estimates of the Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee (In Millions) 2017-18 2018-19 Change From 2017-18 RevisedEnacted Revised Change Estimated Minimum Guarantee $74,523 $75,211 $687 $78,324 $3,114 Funding sources: General Fund $52,631 $52,741 $109 $54,564 $1,823 Local property tax 21,892 22,470 578 23,761 1,291 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 8,

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 Budget Proposals

Governor’s Estimates of the Proposition 98 Minimum Guarantee (In Millions) 2017-18 2018-19 Change From 2017-18 RevisedEnacted Revised Change Estimated Minimum Guarantee $74,523 $75,211 $687 $78,324 $3,114 Funding sources: General Fund $52,631 $52,741 $109 $54,564 $1,823 Local property tax 21,892 22,470 578 23,761 1,291 2L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February

[PDF] State of Transit in California

The Legislature could generate additional revenues by temporarily increasing state fuel taxes, vehicle fees, or other taxes. Potential Statutory Changes „ Continue Program Allocation Adjustments and Suspension of Certain Financial Penalties.