Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] School District Revenue Limits

. $27,753.4a Necessary Small Schools Subsidizes very small schools, usually in small districts. 109.7 Excess Taxes Property tax revenues in excess of the amount needed to fund a district’s revenue limit entitlement.

[PDF] Budget Overview

Budget Overview If Fully Adopted, Budget Is Balanced Balance Only Achieved If Dramatic Actions Taken Many Threats Exist California’s Dramatic Revenue Fall-Off General Fund Revenues From Major Taxes (In Billions) 10

[PDF] 2003-04 Budget Overview

Rejects Tax and Fee Increases • Excludes $8.2 billion in new realignment taxes, $1.5 billion in new tribal gaming revenues, and about $600 million in proposed fees. The latter is related to community colleges, workers’ compensation administration, trial courts, and certain other activities.

[PDF] Fiscal Overview

. • Recent tax collections higher-than-expected. . . . But New Tax Revenues Consumed by Other Budget Related-Factors • One-half of added revenues goes to Proposition 98. • Pension obligation bonds invalidated by Superior Court. • Tribal gaming revenues overestimated. • Major deficiencies in Department of Corrections and Medi-Cal. • Costs for Southern California

[PDF] Fiscal Overview Presentation

Fiscal Overview Presentation California’s Tax Revenues Have Been More Volatile Than the State’s Economy 80-81 82-83 84-85 86-87 88-89 90-91 92-93 94-95 96-97 98-99 00-01 02-03 Percent Chang e

[PDF] PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation High-Risk Loans Concentrated In Inland Counties 2006 High-Rate Loan Volume as Percent of County Total LAO California Foreclosures Rising, But Currently Below Nation Percent of All Outstanding Home Loans High-Risk Loans Concentrated In Inland Counties California Foreclosures Rising, But Currently Below Nation

[PDF] Revenues and the 2010-11 Budget

. ; Revenues can include nontax sources (sale of state assets, securitization, etc.) and increases in the taxes owed or collected. Today, we present a menu of tax changes for the Legislature’s consideration—focusing on those for which a reasonable case can be made on tax policy grounds. ; Our three basic approaches to increasing

[PDF] Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure

Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure Perspectives on the State’s Tax Structure Presented to: Senate Select Committee on Recovery, Reform, and Realignment Hon. Sam Blakeslee, Chair February 2, 2011 LAO Background: Taxes in California  State and Local Governments Rely Predominantly On the Following Four Taxes:

[PDF] Mental Health Realignment

Proposition 63 provides state funding for certain new or expanded mental health programs through a personal income tax surcharge of 1 percent on the portion of a taxpayer’s taxable income in excess of $1 million.  How Proposition 63 Programs Are Administered.

[PDF] Funding and Oversight of State Developmental Centers

The DDS operates four DCs (Fairview in Orange County, Lanterman in Los Angeles County, Porterville in Tulare County, and Sonoma in Sonoma County) and one smaller leased facility (Canyon Springs in Riverside County) that provide 24-hour care and supervision to their residents.