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[PDF] Medi-Cal Hospital Reimbursement Improvement Act of 2013

State general funds are revenues collected primarily through personal income, sales, and corporate income taxes.  Charges on Health Care Providers. Federal Medicaid law permits states to (1) levy various types of charges—including taxes, fees, or assessments—on health care providers and (2) use the proceeds to draw down FFP to support their Medicaid programs and/or offset some state costs.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Medi-Cal Hospital Reimbursement Improvement Act of 2013

State general funds are revenues collected primarily through personal income, sales, and corporate income taxes. Charges on Health Care Providers. Federal Medicaid law permits states to (1) levy various types of charges —including taxes, fees, or assessments —on health care providers and (2) use the proceeds to draw down FFP to support their Medicaid programs and/or offset some state costs.

[PDF] Neighborhoods Act: Protect Victims, Stop Gangs and Street Crime

Brown Jr. 4 December 17, 2007 also requires that Youthful Offender Block Grant funds be distributed to county proba- tion offices and prohibits them from being provided directly to county drug treatment, mental health, or other county departments.

[PDF] Safe Neighborhoods Act: Protect Victims, Stop Gang, Gun, and Street Crime (Amendment #1-S)

The measure also requires that Youthful Offender Block Grant funds be distributed to county proba- tion offices and prohibits them from being provided directly to county drug treatment, mental health, or other county departments.

[PDF] Recent History of Adult Day Health Care and Transition of Seniors and Persons With Disabilities Into Managed Care

There are 14 Two-Plan Model counties.  Managed Care Available in 30 Counties. Currently 30 of the 58 counties in California operate both Medi-Cal managed care and FFS. The other 28 counties offer only Medi-Cal FFS.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Act: Jessica’s Law

Counties would be reimbursed in full for all of these costs after t hey had filed and processed claims with the state. Finally, the provisions in this measure allowing for the indeterminate commitment of SVPs instead of the current two-year recommitment process could reduce county costs for SVP c ommitment proceedings and the claims that counties would file with the state for reimbursement of such costs.

[PDF] Amended Three Strikes Initiative

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. Hon. Bill Lockyer 6 December 10, 1999 County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

[PDF] "The Three Strikes Act of 2000"

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. Hon. Bill Lockyer 6 December 17, 1999 County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

Background Information on AFDC, SSI/SSP, and Medi-Cal Programs and Proposition 99

Maximum monthly grant, family of three (1995-96): Current payment: $607, in all counties ($594 effective 5/1/96). 1995-96 Budget Act: $565 in high-cost counties, $538 in low-cost counties. One in 12 Californians, or about 2.7 million people, will rely on AFDC this year.

LAO Local Government

LAO Local Government Video December 18, 2012 - Over the last two years, an unanticipated funding shortfall in Amador and San Mateo Counties cut city and county reimbursements for two complex state-local financial transactions: the triple flip and VLF swap.