Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 2006-07 Overview of the Governor's Budget

These include primarily private investments in transportation facilities and future transportation bonds that would be backed by state gas tax and weight fee revenues and future federal transportation funds.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

This cost will be financed by the reve- nues from a tax on the services of certain intrastate telecommunications businesses. The tax will be in effect between July 1984 and July 1988, and will be set annuall}' by the PUC at a rate not to exceed 4 percent of the gross revenues of the affected businesses.

1996-97 Perspectives and Issues: An Overview of State Expenditures

Two major contributors to this trend were the approval of Proposition 99 in 1988 (which increased cigarette taxes and earmarked the revenue primarily to augment health programs) an d Proposition 111 in 1990 (which authorized increases in the gasoline tax and other transportation revenues).

[PDF] Fish and Wildlife Agency Structures and Best Practices: A Study of Florida, Texas, Washington, and New York

Florida dedicates 65 percent of its real estate transfer tax to conservation purposes. That tax raises roughly $600 million annually on average. Texas dedicates all receipts from sales taxes on sporting goods to conservation, which averages approximately $100 million per year.

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

The program, which is administered by the Public Utilities Commission, is financed by a tax (not to exceed 4%) on intrastate long distance tele- phone calls. Tax revenues are deposited in the Universal Telephone Ser- vice Fund (UTSF).

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral We recommend approval of funds for Ch 1242/77. The Senior Citizens' Property Tax Postponement program allows per- sons 62 years of age or olaer with low or moderate incomes to defer payment for all or a portion of the property taxes on their residences.

[PDF] Proposition 76: Key Issues and Fiscal Effects

The  state collects several billions of dollars in taxes  that local governments use for local services and  programs. These taxes include a half-cent sales  tax and vehicle license fee for health and social  services programs, and fuel taxes for roads and  transportation programs.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges (6870)

(This assumes that the family had a federal tax liability at least equal to the fee payment, which would usually be the case.) Therefore, while students pay their fees up front, they are fully reimbursed for this cost as a federal income tax offset.

[PDF] The County-State Partnership

With respect to the alcohol tax, alcohol consumption (and thus revenues from alcohol taxes) is generally on the decline, and is likely to decline further as consumers adjust to the increased prices that result from increasingthe tax rates.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of the Medi-Cal Budget

Individuals are required to maintain MEC to avoid tax penalties under the ACA’s individual mandate. If the additional NQIs remain in the state-only Medi-Cal program, they could be subject to tax penalties.