The state received substantially less revenue from the May 17, 2016 cap-and-trade auction, compared to prior auctions.
We have received preliminary data from tax agencies concerning California's state income tax collections in December 2015.
Preliminary tax agency data on November 2015 revenue collections has been received.
Preliminary data has been released by the state's tax agencies concerning October 2015 state revenue collections.
Personal income tax collections in September were hundreds of millions above the Governor's projections for the month.
We answer some questions we receive about California's budget and the stock market downturn of recent days.
Updated information about July 2015 major tax collections in California's General Fund has been released.
In total, 2014-15 General Fund agency cash revenue collections exceeded the Governor's estimate, as incorporated in the 2015-16 budget plan he signed into law last month, by $732 million.
Collections of the state's three major General Fund taxes combined for 2014-15 were over $650 million above the Governor's projections as incorporated into the budget act signed on June 24.
The California Air Resources Board released summary results for the cap-and-trade auction conducted on May 21, 2015.
We discuss 2014 personal income tax data from both our May Revision revenue estimates and those of the administration.
The Governor's May Revision to his 2015-16 budget proposal increases estimates of cap-and-trade auction revenue.
We discuss the May Revision estimates for Proposition 30 revenues.
We discuss the Governor's May Revision proposal for a state earned income tax credit (EITC).
Our office's May Revision revenue outlook anticipates billions of dollars of additional revenues in 2015-16, compared to the administration's updated projections.