California Economy and Taxes

FTB Data: County Income Distributions, 2013 September 12, 2016

We discuss the distribution of incomes across almost all of California's counties based on data from 2013 personal income tax returns filed with the state's Franchise Tax Board.

Additional Data: FTB Income Distributions for Each Available County September 12, 2016

In this post, we display graphics displaying the 2013 income before deductions, as reported in state tax data, for each available California county. This post accompanies an explanatory note on these income distributions here.

County Economies: California Arguably Doing Better Than Recent Report Suggests January 26, 2016

We discuss a recent National Association of Counties report on county economies.

November 2015 Jobs Report December 18, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and California's Employment Development Department have released preliminary November 2015 jobs data for the state.

April 2015 EDD Jobs Report May 26, 2015

The Employment Development Department released its preliminary California jobs report for April 2015 on Friday, May 22.

2013 FTB Data: Personal Income Tax Base Varies Regionally April 30, 2015

The Franchise Tax Board has released data on taxes paid and income reported on 2013 California personal income tax returns by county.

Feb. 2015 Metropolitan Area Employment Data April 9, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its February 2015 data concerning employment in the nation's metropolitan areas on April 8, 2015.

Placer, Bay Area, Riverside Lead in Net In-Migration March 26, 2015

New Census data show that Bay Area counties are among those in the state with the most robust in-migration in recent years.

Agricultural Areas Tend to Have Higher Unemployment January 29, 2015

We consider the relationship between a California area having an agriculture-focused economy and its unemployment rate.