We look at recent trends in housing affordability in some of California's largest metropolitan regions.
We recap the October 2016 state jobs data, which was released in November.
We discuss the distribution of incomes across almost all of California's counties based on data from 2013 personal income tax returns filed with the state's Franchise Tax Board.
In this post, we display graphics displaying the 2013 income before deductions, as reported in state tax data, for each available California county. This post accompanies an explanatory note on these income distributions here.
We discuss California's July 2016 statewide jobs data, as reported by federal and state labor agencies on August 19, 2016.
We discuss the March 2016 jobs report, released by the California Employment Development Department and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
We discuss a recent National Association of Counties report on county economies.
We briefly review the data concerning possible overheating in the state's housing market.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released employment data for the nation's metropolitan regions through September 2015. Bay Area metro regions continue to be among the nation's leaders in terms of job growth.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released August 2015 employment data for the nation's 387 metropolitan statistical areas and other metropolitan regions.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released initial data on gross domestic product (GDP) in the nation's metropolitan areas.
The state jobs report for August 2015 shows a continuing trend of job growth and falling unemployment rates.
A look at American Communtiy Survey data shows notable movement of lower-income households from California's expensive coastal metro areas to the state's inland metro regions.
We look at the July 2015 Employment Development Department regional jobs data to see which job sectors are performing well and which are weak in several areas of California.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and California's Employment Development Department have released May 2015 state and metropolitan area job data.