The Governor proposes to use $7.5 million General Fund on a one-time basis to support the Property Tax Postponement (PTP) program. The PTP program has a structural deficit, very low participation, and relatively high administrative costs. We recommend the Legislature (1) direct the State Controller's Office to report at budget hearings to provide an update on the PTP program and (2) consider eliminating the program.
A summary of the home price growth estimates in our May outlook.
A summary of the assessed property value growth estimates in our May outlook.
We look at data from the 2018 primary and general elections to see if recent federal tax changes had a noticable effect on voters willingness to approve property tax increases to fund school facilities.
Our new Fiscal Outlook projects that school property taxes will be higher than assumed in the 2018-19 Budget Act.
Our new Fiscal Outlook projects that school property taxes will be notably higher than assumed in the 2017-18 Budget Act.
A coming surge in home sales by aging homeowners should boost local government property tax collections. These gains, however, are likely to be offset by an increase in the transfer of homes from parents to children which, unlike most home sales, does not trigger higher tax payments.
We examine reasons behind lower-than-expected growth in assessed property values.
We provide additional data on trends in California's property taxes since the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978.
This blog post explains reassessment requirements for real property, focusing on the reassessment requirements for properties owned by legal entities.
We discuss our estimates of local property taxes, which affect the state's school funding requirements, as well as the administration's property tax estimates.
In the mid-1990s, the state allowed Santa Cruz County enterprise districts' property tax revenue to be redirected to a supplemental fund supporting county libraries.
We explore how the property tax allocation decisions from the mid-1970s affect funding for local airport services even now in the Lake Tahoe region.
This post explores some of the consequences of basing today's local government property tax shares on choices made in the 1970s.
Local governments' shares of the property tax were set by the laws that implemented Proposition 13. In this post, we examine the conditions under which these shares change.