California Economy and Taxes

Building Permits Update: April 2018 June 5, 2018

A brief look at housing permit data for April 2018. 

Bay Area Home Prices Looking a Little Hot May 3, 2018

We look at recent trends in home price growth and find that home prices in several Bay Area counties seem to be getting a little out of line with underlying demand for housing. 

Building Permits Update: February 2018 April 2, 2018

A brief look at housing permit data from February 2018.

Recent Trends in Housing Affordability June 22, 2017

We look at recent trends in housing affordability in some of California's largest metropolitan regions.

California's New Minimum Wage: Statewide Minimum Wage Increasing in January December 6, 2016

We discuss the statewide minimum wage increase that will occur on January 1, 2017.

California's New Minimum Wage: Low-Wage Workers by Region December 6, 2016

We discuss how the low-wage share of workers varies across California's regions.

October 2016 State Jobs Report December 1, 2016

We recap the October 2016 state jobs data, which was released in November.

September 2016 Jobs Report November 5, 2016

We discuss data from the September 2016 state and metro area jobs report, most of which was released during the month of October.

Housing and Economic Mobility October 10, 2016

One perhaps underappreciated consequence of lackluster homebuilding in coastal California is that many workers are denied access to California’s high-wage job markets because they are unable to find housing. These workers are pushed to other parts California or beyond where their wages tend to be lower.

2015 Census Data on Incomes September 15, 2016

We discuss new Census data on a variety of topics, including household incomes.

Additional Data: FTB Income Distributions for Each Available County September 12, 2016

In this post, we display graphics displaying the 2013 income before deductions, as reported in state tax data, for each available California county. This post accompanies an explanatory note on these income distributions here.

July 2016 State Jobs Report August 31, 2016

We discuss California's July 2016 statewide jobs data, as reported by federal and state labor agencies on August 19, 2016.

June 2016 State Jobs and Other Data August 5, 2016

We discuss the report on California employment and unemployment in June 2016, which was released on July 22, and some more recent data too.

May Revision 2016: Economic Outlook May 15, 2016

We discuss the state's economic outlook, including the administration's assessment of the near-term economic outlook in the Governor's May Revision to his 2016-17 budget proposal.

March 2016 Jobs Report: Unemployment Down, Slow Growth in Payroll Jobs April 15, 2016

We discuss the March 2016 jobs report, released by the California Employment Development Department and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.