Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Governor proposes cutting county offices of education (COE) revenue limits by $45 million and encouraging consolidation of more functions.

Feb 19, 2010 - Governor proposes cutting county offices of education (COE) revenue limits by $45 million and encouraging consolidation of more functions. Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

2012-13 revenues on track to end above both Governor and LAO projections (Updated July 1)

Jul 1, 2013 - Agency cash revenue collection data indicates that the state ended May and June 2013  well above the Governor 's revenue projections for the personal income tax (PIT) and corporation tax (CT). For these two income taxes alone, June revenues were around $1 billion above the Governor 's projections--adding to the stronger-than-forecast results from the prior month of May.

[PDF] Major Recent Homelessness Spending Actions

Voter approval of Proposition 2 in 2018 authorized the use of funds from the Mental Health Services Act, which taxes income above $1 million, for NPLH. The Legislature created NPLH in 2016 to build and rehabilitate permanent supportive housing for those with mental illness who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.

[PDF] The California Nuclear Waste Act

Historically, approximately 16 percent of the state’s electricity has been generated by nuclear power plants (inside and outside of the state), three-fourths of which has come from the two nuclear power plants in the state—the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (Diablo Canyon) in San Luis Obispo County and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in San Diego County.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Foster Care

We recommend increasing the administrative funding for the Foster Care Program and AAP by $150,000 to fund required county evaluations of the state-only children under the new Titl e IV-E eligibility standards.

[PDF] Analyzing Recent Changes to State Support for Fiscally Distressed Districts

In addition, we recommend shifting takeover responsibilities back to the state from the county level. L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E A N L A O R E P O R T 2 COEs = county offices of education.

The 2012-2013 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook

The 2012-2013 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook $1,763 $1,183 a Our forecast assumes the state will have fully repaid the Economic Recovery Bonds by the end of fall 2016, with the "triple flip" ending in spring 2017 and related local property tax revenues thereafter flowing back to schools and community colleges.

MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 8 (Firefighters)

Sep 7, 2021 - Of the 20 local jurisdictions included, 16 are cities, 2 are counties, and 2 are fire districts. The study compared four state classifications with local counterparts: Firefighter II, Fire Apparatus Engineer, Fire Captain (Range A), and Battalion Chief.

Supplemental Report of the 1998 Budget Act

Item 1730-301-0001--Franchise Tax Board--Capital Outlay 1. Sacramento Central Office--Security Improvements. The amount of $1,089,000 is provided for preliminary plans ($44,000), working drawings ($71,000), and construction ($974,000) for various security improvements.