Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

Our county-level analysis of local property tax growth, however, projects notably higher costs. Specifically, we estimate that in 2014-15, 20 COEs will qualify for a partial or full minimum state aid supplement on top of their LCFF allotments, costing around $40 million ($16 million above the Governor’s estimates).

[PDF] Review of School Districts’ 2014-15 Local Control and Accountability Plans

LCAP = Local Control and Accountability Plan; SBE = State Board of Education; LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula; COEs = county offices of education; and EL/LI = English learner, low-income and foster youth.

[PDF] Next Steps for Improving State Accountability for Alternative Schools

County community schools and juvenile court schools were originally created to serve students who were expelled for serious offenses or involved with juvenile law enforcement agencies. Today, county community schools continue to educate students who have been expelled for serious offenses or have had prior contact with the juvenile justice system.

[PDF] Unclaimed Property: Rethinking the State’s Lost & Found Program

(The four largest sources of General Fund revenue—in descending order—are the personal income tax, the sales and use tax, the corporation tax, and the insurance tax.) Revenues from the unclaimed property program are not considered proceeds of taxes, meaning that they are not counted toward the

[PDF] California's High Housing Costs - Causes and Consequences

As a result, traditional statistical techniques, such as ordinary least squares, would give inaccurate estimates of the relationship between demand and prices for housing in a county and neighboring counties.

[PDF] Understanding California's Sales Tax

Specifically, the figure (1) shows the sales tax rate charged in most cities and the unincorporated area of each county and (2) identifies the cities in each county with sales tax rates that are higher than elsewhere in the county.

[PDF] The Universal Assessment Tool: Improving Care for Recipients of Home- and Community-Based Services

However, several county IHSS administrators reported to us that IHSS recipients and applicants may not be able to provide reliable information about the alternative resources they receive. Specifically, county IHSS administrators in several counties reported to us that they did not know the actual extent to which IHSS recipients were receiving

[PDF] Figure x_Funding per FTE

Figure x_Funding per FTE $8,064 Higher Education Funding Per Full-Time Equivalent Student Notes: Includes General Fund, fee revenue net of discounts, and local property taxes. In 2016-17, tuition discounts per full-time equivalent (FTE) student are projected to be $4,265 at UC, $1,676 at CSU, and $665 at CCC.

[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: The Governor’s Reserve Proposal

California has two statutes that trigger reductions in the state’s sales tax rate if balances in the SFEU reach a certain threshold. Under either statute, the state’s sales tax rate would automatically decline by one-quarter cent for one calendar year, equal to around $1.5 billion.

[PDF] Improving Workforce Education and Training Data in California

Locally administered by county human services departments. CalWORKs employment and training services Ongoing federal TANF funding, state funding, and county funding for employment services for very low-income families with children on CalWORKs.